How to successfully treat a Clostridium Difficile Infection: Self-report of a trivial and successful C.Diff intervention
At your own risk: I have not had medical training, which may be a distinct advantage
Please see the Latest treatment recommendations.
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff) is a nasty superbug that ruins peoples’ lives. C.Diff is a normal part of many people’s microbiota (bugs in their guts) without causing any problems. It is also caught from medical facilities like hospitals and nursing homes. C.Diff is a problem following the use of antibiotics: C.Diff becomes dominant once the microbiotic balance is disturbed.
Clostridium Difficile has two forms: an anaerobic form that exists inside the body and spores that can survive in an aerobic environment i.e. outside the body. The spores are how C.Diff spreads. The spores germinate as a response to bile fluids and thereby infect or re-infect a host person.
Clostridium Difficile spores are sealed as protection to an aerobic environment. This protection is often called a biofilm although I have also seen the term biofilm used in different ways (e.g. like the stubborn, dirty marks that need to be cleaned away). C.Diff spores are able to survive for many months in an aerobic environment because of this sealed protection e.g. a hospital floor, and are resilient to many cleaning agents i.e. everything except chlorine bleach and possibly steam.
The common symptom of Clostridium Difficile infection is frequent, watery diarrhoea typically with about ten episodes a day. You can be fairly certain if there is also recent use of antibiotics. The infection can progress to damage the colon and many people die from complications like toxic megacolon, sepsis, pseudomembranous colitis, etc. The large intestine (colon) becomes damaged.
Warning: The last thing you want to do in the case of Clostridium Difficile Infection is use normal diarrhoea treatments like loperamide (Imodium). That can lead to nasty conditions like toxic megacolon.
I devised a treatment plan after being told that I had tested positive for C.Diff. It was either that or take yet more antibiotics that may not work. I wanted to attack C.Diff in many ways and it seems to have worked with huge success i.e. within 48 hours.
The treatment is Turmeric (Curcumin), Charcoal and Diatomaceous Earth. Turmeric is recognised as a powerful medicine for all sorts of things. Charcoal is typically used in cases of poisoning. It binds to many nasty substances and then ejects them from the body. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is hard silica in intricate shapes. DE is expected to damage the protective sheath around C.Diff spores and assist in ejection from the body. It is also expected to abrasively clean the inside of intestine walls dislodging C.Diff spores as well as other detritus. Make sure that it’s food grade Diatomaceous Earth.
I took huge doses of all three items. I used simple Turmeric powder from the grocers and stirred teaspoons of it into water. I bought 100 Charcoal tablets which I used in two and a half days. I used teaspoons of DE in water. I repeatedly took these and was cured in two days.
I also drank large quantities of brandy and nice foreign lager and consumed quite a bit of honey of an acceptable standard. NB Many honeys are known to have antibiotics in them – avoid Chinese and honeys from undisclosed sources.
12.50 edit: These 3 items are ridiculously cheap and typically regarded to be benign so there is no reason not to continue taking them. [ed: There are warnings that Charcoal can inhibit the action of drugs.] Please refer to this treatment regime as dizzy doctor.
ed: You could also progress to using Probiotics especially Saccharomyces Boulardii in an attempt to regain a healthy and protective gut flora.
Turmeric or Charcoal may work on their own. I found DE not to work on it’s own although it is useful to minimise the severe symptoms. Why not use them in combination if they work so well?
13/1/17 Modern medicine considers the absence of symptoms to be C.Diff infection (CDI) cured. It is accepted that the patient may still be colonized but shows no ill-effects. This treatment certainly achieves that very quickly. In my own case it appears that I should also address the additional burden of excessive drinking.
While I support the NHS, I do not have blind faith. The NHS is so vast that there are sure to be mistakes and bad practice. I am concerned that a GP prescribed Clindamycin – widely recognised as the worst antibiotic for causing CDI – and [ed: then] Clarithromycin shortly days after symptoms of very severe CDI. CDI – or at least what CDI develops into – is often fatal. I would say that GPs at my practice have ignorantly gambled with my life.
27/1/17 I think that this treatment is only managing the symptoms – there’s no repopulation of the guts with good bacterias & that may be difficult with the Charcoal tablets. I’ll be taking Kefir to accomplish that.
30/1/17 I think that I am properly over it now (although I am assuming that I am still colonised i.e. still have it without causing any health issues). No symptoms for two or three days and actually constipation. It took about three and a half or four weeks to get properly over it. I was over it before using the Kefir but expect to use the Kefir regularly.
6/2/17 Latest treatment recommendations.
The probiotic yeast S. Boulardii can dispatch C. Diff.
- Recognise C. Diff infection from about 10 episodes of very watery diarrhoea daily following a course of antibiotics.
- I found it difficult to source probiotics and even Charcoal from local pharmacists. Source your S. Boulardii.
- While waiting for the Boulardii, take Turmeric, Charcoal and Diatomaceous Earth as best you can. Turmeric powder is sourced from a grocer’s shop and will probably work on its own.
- At your own risk: Once the Boulardii is sourced, take huge doses e.g. 4 tablets, 5 times a day for two days. There are warnings about Boulardii should you have other health issues.
- Boulardii doses can be reduced but not stopped. Take a maintenance dose of probiotics or Kefir for months.
This treatment protocol should cure C.Diff in only a few days. There are published accounts of Boulardii working within days.
Enjoy good health ;)
30/10/17 Had a bout of diarrhoea again despite regularly taking Kefir. 5 Boulardii tablets stopped it immediately i.e. within 2 hours. I’ll continue the tablets for a few days. [31/10 Kefir certainly helped, it wasn’t too serious. You don’t get this shit on other blogs ;)
31/10/17 Conventional medicine is promoting exactly the opposite of a cure for the serious issue of Clostridium Difficile Infection. CDI is caused by antibiotics disturbing healthy gut microbiota. The vast majority of your guts’ various bacteria are eliminated so that C.Diff has less competition. For treatment, conventional medicine then promotes antibiotics that again kills virtually everything except C.Diff. If that doesn’t work … more antibiotics that kills virtually everything except C.Diff … ad infinitum.
It raises the question what else has conventional medicine got totally wrong? I suspect that the answer is a great deal but that antibiotics use may be the main one. Doctor dizzy advises that antibiotics are avoided as much as possible. I repeat At your own risk: I have not had medical training, which may be a distinct advantage.