I don’t want any shit tomorrow

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I’m going tomorrow to somewhere that anti-terrorist shits have harassed me previously. There is an interview and I intend to take notes.

There is no need for you to be there.

[later edit:

Like there is no need for you to reroute buses

Like there is no need to call the fire brigade whenever you see me (FESTIVAL 2012)

[later edit: like  there is no need to follow buses in a police car if I ever manage to catch a bus that you haven’t rerouted

[later: I think that that’s harassment

[and what I am very pissed off about is that former senior policemen [edit: policeman] [edit: policemen] and politicians are not going to be held accountable

[Later: I strongly object to be regarded as a potential terrorist because I am a political activist. Political activism should be regarded as legitimate activity in a democratic society.


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