I got searched by police this morning
I got searched by police this morning at about 12.20 am
I asked for a receipt for stop and search [1am edit: I was told to go to the police station for my record. That’s not the law. If you’re going to search me then give me the record. That’s the law]
That’s the law
I want my record that I was stopped and searched
[edit: apeart from that they were fine
[1.35am The policemen were fine and were good. I wanted a receipt for being stopped and searched – according to law.
[14/11/12 12.52pm I also got harassed by the police helicopter yesterday just before 3pm. I would prefer for the police to keep their distance]
Let’s mention Revolution
This is the idea ~ just casually – or perhaps not so casually – mention revolution.
“Come the revolution”
“We need a revolution”
“Come the revo”
[“I’m too old for it, I’d hate to miss the revolution”, etc ;)
You have a chance to vote for total Turds this Thursday … the fifteenth
You have the opportunity to vote for a Mayor and a Police twat this Thusday.
It’s a very difficult choice for me because I’m reduced to attempting to discern which of them are not raving, barking mad.
I’m actually keen on voting but Quinnell the choice is between fing raving madmen.
[edit very slightly later: The point is about these police chiefs is that they have no idea about policing. Someone’s going to be elected who has totally no idea.
[edit: No f’ing clue. At least I’ve been in the cells with shit smeared on the walls & at G8 I’ve had first hand accounts of cups of teas with policemens’ pubes on them.
[G8 / 777 / 786 is important
[ correction: 867
[ is 786 and 867 that different anyway?
[Oh dear, web’s gone wierd for me. Hi all