Events and aftermath of July 2005

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It was the Neo-cons Bush and Blair era, following the illegal wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq. I had been an activist against the 2003 Iraq war and later against Blair. 

Before the 2005 G7 conference at Gleneagles, Scotland the Privy council passed a motion prohibiting criminal prosecution of G7 atendees.

I was at the demonstrations against the G7 in Scotland. I believe that there were failed attempts to apprehend me by UK authorities on 6 July 2005. Then boss of the Metropolitan Police [17/2/22 ed: Ian Blair] was unashamedly extremely supportive of Tony Blair. Tony Bliar was extremely unpopular at the time.

On the morning of July 7 2005, at the end of the G7 summit, there were explosions on the London underground and the made for television bus event. 

My analysis suggests that the tube explosions were dust explosions and that there were many previous but less serious dust explosions on the London underground. This leaves the bus explosion as fake manufactured terrorism. One country is particularly experienced at fake terrorism bus explosions. Then London mayor [ed: Ken Livingstone] sacked Robert 'Bob' Kiley following the publication of my the danger of dust explosions on the London underground article. 

London's Metropolitan Police followed the script provided by Efraim Halevi (sometimes spelled differently because it's a translation from Hebrew) in the Jerusalem Post on 7 July 2005. The explosion times were presented as simultaneous when they weren't. 

If the London explosions were dust explosions and the bus event was fake manufactured terrorism then there were no bombings or suicide bombers. 

21 July 2005 there were copy-cat unsuccessful bombings on the London underground. 

22 July 2005 Jean Charles de Menezes was murdered at Stockwell tube station. Ian Blair almost immediately stated that the Met Police assumed full responsibility for the death suggesting that it was not the Met that killed him. Official teams of foreign killers were operating in London following the London non-bombings. 

Many lies were promulgated by Met Police immediately after Jean Charles de Menezes murder. Untrue comments such as wearing a coat too warm for the weather, jumping barriers and the later "Houston, we have a problem" were crafted to relate to myself personally, to harass me, to make clear that I had been watched by UK authorities in depth for an extended period. 

One reason for murdering Jean Charles de Menezes was to support the suicide bombers narrative of & [ed: 7] July i.e. there are suicide bombers because, we're looking for them and killed someone by accident. I published an article demonstrating why Jean Charles de Menezes was selected to be killed on Bristol Indymedia on 27 June 2005 [ed: 28 Aug 2014] a few hours before the server was seized by British Transport Police. [ed: that doesn't seem correct][ed: Don't think that date is correct. Was the server seized 3 times - 2005, second time, 2014? The 2005 date is too early.]

Current Met Police boss Cressida Dick was apparently in charge when Jean Charles de Menezes was murdered. My alternative narrative suggests instead that it was foreign agents that murdered de Menezes and that the official narrative was a fabrication.

13.03 This post republished at the original uri / url because it was getting cut & paste messed up 

[17/2/22 7 July 2005, 2 + 5 = 7 ]
Continue ReadingEvents and aftermath of July 2005

I congratulate Theresa May on becoming Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party

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I extend genuine, sincere congratulations to Theresa May on becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and leader of the Conservative Party. I was impressed with her speech as Prime Minister stressing inclusion and empowerment. Was that right? Was I mistaken there?

Nobody is really going to challenge that I am – and have been – a political activist. What else then? I am likely to engage Prime Minister May as I have engaged former politicians. I should be regarded as a political activist and no more than that.

I have some issues that I would like resolved, in the interest of justice according to themes expressed in Prime Minister May’s speech.

Continue ReadingI congratulate Theresa May on becoming Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party

Election campaign has nothing to say about synthetic make-it-up terrorism

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Shall we have some?

Neo-Con Terrrism BS that is …

Cos I have an awful lot to say about that

ed: What happens is that there is not really any terrrism. What they do is call anyone who opposes them a terrrist.

Would you like some examples?


Why is this election BS not scaring you no end from fake manufactured terrorism?

Why are they not doing that?


We’ve had no mention of absolute nonsense terrrism for weeks. Is this BS no good for a UK election?

Is terrrism BS only good between elections to keep you scared?

Are you really so ignorant to believe everything on TV?


Continue ReadingElection campaign has nothing to say about synthetic make-it-up terrorism

Keep them there till they die … well we’re in charge, we’re the totally partisan police … let’s make look it look like a terrrist attack although we’ve had loads of tube incidents signed: Ian Blair

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Let’s chose who’s going to live

Ian Blair: We’ve got to get the numbers right. We’ve got to pretend that this is a terrrist attack instead of just another dust explosion on the tube. We’ve got to do it for my master Tonee (If you search you will find that I adore Tony and consider it my duty to perform ‘the intimate cleansing’).

We’ll do that Oh it’s so awfull down there BS and just keep underisables to die  – int. revos, human rights lawyer, Beer, Brewer, etc

Ian Blair: You can’t come down here yet, they’re still not dead. It’s all those lefties and gays and that. Stay out for a few days until they’re dead. FM, that human rights lawyer is still breathing, give me a day or two.

IB: I’m only getting away with this because of Tonee and those other Neo-Con Labour Party Fascists – John Reid, that fat two-arsed Cunt. Anyone should know that we can clear the tube in no time – but we’ve said it’s terrrrrrist and we’ve got to leave all them to die to make up the nummbers. The numbers are important – better the Devil you know! We’ve got to leave those who we’ve decided to die to die. Better really, they don’t agree with us.

Were there problems with getting down to tube explosions before? No, there was no problems.

Tony Blair & Ian Blair

Labour Party: This was your shit Ian Blair being Tonee’s butler

ed: There have been many explosions on the London tube. They are dust explosions. I think that I am correct in saying that there was never a fatality. It’s clear that this incident was manipulated for political purposes – by those shits Ian Blain and Tony Blair. They let people die and they decided who should die

for political purposes

Don’t be stupid ignorant. You’re identified by your mobile phone.

Ian Blair and Tonee decided who were going to die. By the numbers.

By the numbers …

for JcM


J d M

The Labour Party,

So what are you going to do to make it right?

Are you going to hold people to account?

Most likely no

Then, I am your enemy because you can be such evil bs and not have any regard that this poor guy was killed for your BS

It could be easy EdMb: You do IB and TB when you’re elected. They’re gone all of a sudden. Isn’t that fair? A deal with someone-or-other. Taking me to the pub would be a start. You’ve got to clean the s**t. Didn’t they teach you at PPE?. I have no concerns when I go sailing.

Is not necessary to go to the pub. Until I get a commitment …


ed: Look the point is that tube stations are really close to each other and the tube only travels about 4 or 5 miles an hour. Have you researched the tube cleaning train? It was a vacuum cleaning train that was discontinued – so more dust

[1/10/14 There are claims that the underground travels at about 20 mph average including stops. I think that is hugely exaggerated. ]

ed: Tube stations might be only a mile or two from each other -is no problem for rescue services firemen


Let’s get back to Ian Blair and Tony Blair. Can they be suicided please?

or other, I don’t care

Is it too much to ask that their families are also suicided?

Yes it probably is

These cnuts like John Reid, Charles Clarke, Jack Straw. Isn’t it shit when they call for someone to be killed while they’re hiding. I’m not hiding. Don’t they deserve it?

later edit: I forgot the blind cnut. Him too.

[The Labour Clarke, not the Tory]

I think that it’s fair, when these cnuts had power …

They did it, I do it back

Like I said, I have a mirror

C’mon Jonothan, I want to move on. I wanna go sailing and earn my earrings

1/10/14 There’s a section missing from this post. I’m sure that I mentioned the bus, about BMA doctors being able to recognise dead people.

About the number 30 bus on 7/7/2005 7/7/7 . The point about the bus is how were there 2 dead on the bus on 7 July and 13 dead on the bus on 8 July? That’s a difficult one to answer unless of course having a major incident like 7/7 provides the perfect excuse to go out and murder a few people. It’s then easier to put them on the bus than to take them down to the carriages.


Hasib Mir Hussain

Kingstar van

Wisdom, William Wise

leads to

Jean Charles de Menezes


Continue ReadingKeep them there till they die … well we’re in charge, we’re the totally partisan police … let’s make look it look like a terrrist attack although we’ve had loads of tube incidents signed: Ian Blair

Blind old cnut Blunkett all of a sudden – many years too late – says that interception was too much

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Blind old cnut Blunkett all of a sudden says “Human nature is you get carried away, so we have to protect ourselves from ourselves,” he said. “In government you are pressed by the security agencies. They come to you with very good information and they say ‘you need to do something’. So you do need the breath of scepticism, not cynicism, breathing on them. You need to be able to take a step back. If you don’t have this, you can find yourself being propelled in a particular direction.”

I suspect that this is about spying on mobile phone users: In fact I suspect that it’s about governments demanding the ability to spy on mobile phone users is designed into the systems. This was on big C cnut Blunkett’s watch after all …

COUNCIL RESOLUTION of 17 January 1995 on the lawful interception of telecommunications
(96/C 329/01)
Official Journal C 329 , 04/11/1996 p. 0001 – 0006

[These demands from ‘law enforcement agencies’ are for every signal including location. Mobile phones signal their location continuously. Isn’t that a bug? … Blunkett, what do you have to say? You were home secretary after all … ]

[Later edit: Blunkett became Home Secretary in 2001. It should be recognised that mobile phones announce their location and much more.

[Later: It appears that there was no opposition by Blunkett to these demands from ‘law enforcement agencies’. Wasn’t there a scandal about this time about New Labour databases? –  Escalibur was associated with Mandy and Labour coming into power but it was more than that – have to research this.]

Don’t look at this Mobile phones are designed to be mobile bugs

Continue ReadingBlind old cnut Blunkett all of a sudden – many years too late – says that interception was too much