Chilcot is expected to announce a timetable soon.
I would remind you that
1. It is under the Inquires Act 2005 i.e. the government is decisive and in charge of everything. The government is in charge of everything.
2. I’ll get back to you
later ed: The I[E]nquires Act 2005 did away with anything near a public inquiry one month before 7 July 2005 which was then described as …
oh what was it now? a …
something diversion?
that would be a something diversion from
the official narrative …
an unnecessary investigation …
that …
with the government version of Blair and Campbell & Co
which we know is so robust
and beyond any, any doubt
The official narrative is beyond reproach.
Blair, Blair, Blunkett, Reid, Campbell & Co.
We did fuck up that the train they were on didn’t exist that day. But you’ve still got to believe us because we’re not lying, honest.
Would I lie to you?
Tony Blair
That’s it – a Ludicrous Diversion
a … Ludicrous Diversion. An investigation would be ” a ludicrous diversion” …
ed: References to Tony Blair calling an investigation into the London bombings of 7 July 2005 “a ludicrous diversion” are disappearing.
ed: And I hate starting a sentence with and …
27/10/15 Re: Iraq War, Cameron and the Chilcot Inquiry
Sir Jeremy was Principal Private Secretary to Tony Blair from June 1999 to July 2003 and would thus have been party to every step of the scheming and untruths about the invasion and surely the plotting between Bush and Blair to attack, during their April 2002, three day meeting at the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Subsequently Heywood stepped into the same position when Gordon Brown became Prime Minister after Blair’s resignation, a post he held between January 2008 and May 2010, so would also have been party to the plans for, and structure of, the Chilcot Inquiry into the war, which was set up by Brown. Thus those involved in the bloodbath and invasion, convened the Inquiry into the illegality.
Gordon Brown, as Blair’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, wrote the cheques for the years of illegal UK bombings of Iraq and for the UK’s participation in “Operation Iraqi Liberation” (OIL.) He also wrote the cheques for Britain’s part in the disastrous invasion of Afghanistan.
According to Ministry of Defence figures, the total cost of UK military operation in Iraq, 2003-2009, was £8.4 Billion – ongoing since they are back bombing, with Special Forces in Northern Iraq – and it would be unsurprising if also elsewhere in the country, given Britain’s duplicitous track record. To 2013 the cost of UK operations in Afghanistan reached £37 Billion, also ongoing.
David Cameron, who voted to attack Iraq, told a news programme at the time: “You’ve got to do what you think right, even if it’s unpopular …”, near mirroring Blair’s “I know I’m right” of the same time. Cameron admires Blair, regarding him as a “mentor.” At every level of government past and present, there are vested interests in the truth on Iraq never coming out.