Psst, don’t say it too loudly. What’s wrong with UK politics. Shall we start and how the so-called ‘Labour’ party is going so wrong? To continue and continue …
Well if the so-called Labour party’s not going to do it, someone’s got to do it.
Stop being such Neo-Con shits. How on Earth can you claim to represent ordinary people when you are such Neo-Con shits?
ed: The point is that if you’re such Neo-Con shits then you are Neo-Con shits. There is no difference because you are Neo-Con shits … who care nothing for people – never mind ordinary people. Neo-Con Labour shits care nothing except Neo-Conism. You evil, careless b’stards.
Neo-Con Labour have nothing to offer ordinary people. Well, they can offer you ridiculous, irrational shitless scaredness. That’s what Neo_Conism is. Be afraid. Be far more afraid of a ridiculous nothingness threat. Hey be afraid of walking on the pavement – that’s far more dangerous. Be afraid of going out. Stay in. It’s so dangerous – far more dangerous than food poisoning or falling down. Wouldn’t that be awful if you fell over? Terrible, That’s life.
Anyway, back to the Neo-Con Labour Party. They’ve accepted fully the Neo-Con skit. You know what it is – be skitless afraid. C’off Neo-Con Labour Party. Just C’off.
Be afraid to catch a bus. Be afraid, be so afraid. Be afraid. These b’stards make up terrorism shit to control you through fear. I suggest that we need a backlash. How dare they? How dare they manipulate people through fear? How dare they? Cnuts
How dare they manipulate people through fake manufactured terrorism?
And such ridiculous, transparent terrrism nonsense. Can we hold thib to account?
It’s unfortunate that I will never have the same importunities – hey that may be it. No, I’d like similar opportunities to do TB and IB as they had. FM I was lucky but thanks also to everyone that I did not acknowledge before.
Isn’t it like an eye for an Ii? Isn’t it quite clear?
I find it really weird that this IB cnut is still tolerated. I suppose that’s their siht siht. Shall we call it total siht? IB such a siht, it is so transparent that he was such a political tool. How on earth can anyone suggest that there is anything near democracy with absolute New-Labour murdering and more police cnuts like this? Oh Fcuk off.
New Labour Ian Blair. It’s so ridiculous. IB – actually – covering for murdering bastards on the tube. Jean Charles de-Menezes. de-Menezes is the surname. JCD.
ed: What can be done about this then? I have suggested 6
Is there another resolution?
Well of course there are other resolutions …
It’s difficult to accuse dead people. Be good if they died soon not from old age
Ed: The trouble is that this all seems outside any judicial process e.g. former Boss of the Metropolitan Police with assistance from a foreign paramilitary force calling for the murder of a UK citizen. If it’s outside any judicial process then I have suggested a resolution.
ed: Probably military rather than paramilitary. Yes, employed and financed directly. I don’t suppose they were anything else. Perhaps paramilitary because they were pretending not to be foreign military in UK.
Not that different to(p) terrorists then if you think about it.
ed: Yes, they were foreign but pretending not to be. They invented terrrism.