Snooper’s Charter deemed unlawful

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Image of GCHQ donught building. Doesn't look like a doughnut. Look. Oh c'mon, can't you see - open your eye.

The Government’s so-called ‘Snoopers’ Charter’ is unlawful in its current form, the Court of Appeal has ruled.

Tom Watson, deputy leader of the Labour Party, challenged the law that he said was ‘flawed from the start’.

The law – officially known as the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA) – gave the government wider-ranging powers of surveillance than previous legislation – including access to personal data such as internet and phone records, even when there was no suspicion of criminal activity or no proper oversight.

Officials claimed these broad powers were vital to protect the public from criminals, including paedophiles and terrorism.

However, critics argued that it granted police and spies some of the western world’s most extensive snooping capabilites.

‘This legislation was flawed from the start,’ Watson said in a statement. ‘The government must now bring forward changes to the Investigatory Powers Act to ensure that hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom are innocent victims or witnesses to crime, are protected by a system of independent approval for access to communications data.’

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FAKE MANUFACTURED TERRORISM: Corporate Media’s Deluge of BS: Syria plane crash

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FAKE MANUFACTURED TERRORISM: Cameron government spins like Blair with Sharm el Sheikh BS

A321 Crash investigators Call on Media to Stop Using Anonymous Sources

On Saturday, the Egypt-led investigation committee issued a statement, according to which the reason for the Russian Kogalymavia plane crash in Sinai is yet to be determined. The following day, Reuters reported, citing a unidentified member of the inquiry, that investigators into the plane crash in Egypt were “90 percent sure” the noise heard on the final seconds of a cockpit recording was an explosion caused by a bomb.

“News and media claims, quoting an anonymous source, allegedly one of the members of the Commission, are incorrect, and should not prevail,” Ayman Muqaddam was quoted in the statement published by the Egyptian Ministry of Civil aviation.

We’ve had an absolute deluge of bullshit from corporate media about the Sinai plane crash being a terrorist act. It appears that it was aided by UK authorities claiming that “chatter” was identified. This incident has been a wonderfull illustration of deliberate deception, of fake, manufactured terrorism.

Metrojet Flight 9268

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations sent three of its aircraft to the crash site. The Investigative Committee also started a legal case against Kogalymavia under legislation regulating “violation of rules of flights and preparations.”[55]

Natalya Trukhacheva, the ex-wife of co-pilot Sergei Trukachev, said in an interview with NTV that her ex-husband had complained to their daughter about the aircraft’s technical state.[52][65]

The aircraft involved in the crash had suffered a tailstrike while landing in Cairo fourteen years earlier.[30][64][66] Some have drawn comparisons to Japan Airlines Flight 123, which crashed into a mountain in 1985, seven years after the plane had suffered a tailstrike while landing.[64] Flight 123 suffered catastrophic damage in mid-air while climbing to its cruising altitude. The crash of Flight 123 was caused by an incorrect repair of the aircraft’s tail section following the tailstrike, which left the rear pressure bulkhead of the plane vulnerable to metal fatigue and ultimately resulted in explosive decompression.[64] Reports on the wreckage of Flight 9268 have suggested that a “clear break” occurred near the plane’s rear pressure bulkhead, possibly indicating failure of the bulkhead.[66]

Doesn’t the Wikipedia entry strongly suggest the real cause of this accident? Why is corporate media so keen to deliberately deceive and support governments in their bullshit terrorism narrative? Is it that they are partners in the deception – two cheeks of the same arse?*


*(George Galloway)

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FAKE MANUFACTURED TERRORISM: Cameron government spins like Blair with Sharm el Sheikh BS

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David Cameron greets Egyptian dictator al Sisi at Downing St

UK media is consumed with the baseless manufactured news that UK has stopped flights from Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt).

This fake, manufactured BS nicely excludes the fact that UK Prime Minister David Cameron is hosting Egyptian repressive dictator al Sisi, the second repressive dictator to be hosted by Cameron in as many weeks. al Sisi staged a military overthrow of the first democratically-elected president of Egypt , President Morsi. Cameon is following his hero Blair in his distain for democracy.

The baseless, fake manufactured BS is also useful in scaring people sh**less to manufacture support for the Snooper’s Charter.

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Theresa May, you either hear me or you don’t sign it

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Theresa May, Home Secretary

I know it doesn’t have to be you – it can be some Chief Constable

but I’ll hold you responsible

because as Home Secretary,

you are responsible

You’re either going to lift this RIPA order on me

[actually it may be many RIPA orders: They tend to say according to RIPA you will do this and not tell anyone under threat of serious imprisonment. RIPA is about don’t tell anyone (even your solicitor) or you’ll be imprisoned. So there may be many RIPA orders. If I get one I’ll publish it.]


account for it


ed: and I suggest that RIPA orders are so anti-democratic, why not publish them? I would really not be surprised if RIPA orders have been for political rather than any other purpose. Time to publish them? You could always pretend that they were leaked ..

The one on my ISP is … Don’t let him have his stats – don’t let him know how many people visit his website. How does that serve any useful purpose other than hit the political activist? What else can it achieve?

It’s weird isn’t it? I think that it is right that I should be given the opportunity to respond to the charges made against me. Shouldn’t I have the opportunity to defend myself against these charges made against me? Apparently not, lucky I don’t live in Pak.

Why is there so much hostility to me? There is so much hostility to me because I have been a successful political activist. The problem is that for invisible and unaccountable processes unknown to me where I have no opportunity to represent myself to seek to silence me is not appropriate for a democratic society.

I call you Fascist. I call you Fascist not only for silencing dissent but for repressing any political opposition.

Theresa May, The Tory, Lib-Tory coalition you lift this RIPA political repression immediately. Now.

You have to justify it anyway and you have to justify why it continues. Now and advise everyone that these RIPA orders are lifted NOW, not tomorrow. NOW.

You cancel these RIPA orders now. Theresa May, Home Secretary you lift these RIPA orders now because political activism is legitimate activity. Now.

Theresa May, Home Secretary, You have to recognise my absolute right to express myself. I am a political activist and I have an absolute right to criticise you and your government.

This is how it’s going to be. You are not going to interfere with my right to express myself in any way. Got it? If you are going to sign these RIPA orders or allow some subordinates to do it, then you are going to allow me the opportunity to challenge it. Got it?

That’s the least I expect from a democratic society.

I know fully well that my home has been bugged, that a car I have often use of has been bugged and that an occasional friend of mine’s home has been been bugged. I consider that that’s excessively unreasonable and out of order. I’m sure that any concerned newspaper could confirm this – they’re still going to be there. Any newspapers interested?

I am actually concerned about govt spying even before all this started – back in 2000/1 or so … not against me even. There may even be evidence of that.

Continue ReadingTheresa May, you either hear me or you don’t sign it