Excusing establishment paedophiles

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I’ve started looking at the excusing of establishment paedophiles under the ‘establishment man’ Keir Starmer after he’s accused Rishi Sunak of excusing paedophiles. Greville Janner got away with it for decades and Tony Blair ennobled him in an act of establishment paedophile excusal.

Alex Carlile may well have had no idea Janner was a paedophile. After all, he shared a cramped parliamentary office with Cyril Smith for many years, and apparently never realised that Smith was a prolific paedophile. Possibly Alex Carlile is simply a particularly unobservant man.

It is however unfortunate that Starmer chose to appoint as the legal eagle to exonerate him over Jimmy Savile, the wife of the stalwart parliamentary defender of Britain’s second most prominent paedophile. I presume that Starmer never noticed that either, just as he did not notice the decision by his office and the staff under him not to prosecute Savile.

It is extraordinary that these people manage to become so rich and powerful when they are entirely unobservant. Especially as Levitt, Starmer, Carlile and Jenner were all top QCs.

Anyway, that is just an everyday tale of unobservant folk.

21/4/23 , Tony Blair’s former flatmate was featured in a post on this blog in an extremely unflattering way, accused by me of behaviour close to the subject of this post. My blogs have had incidents with posts disappearing and that one now appears to be absent.

21/4/23 Oops, made a mistake there Charlie Falconer was Blair’s flatmate.

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It’s a Cyn

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That’s what it’s about.

It’s a Cyn (and I recognise him)


9/8/15 I was excluded from PNC – unsearchable. That’s unheard of for somebody who had/s a record. Policemen who searched for me had a visit.

That’s enough now. It’s clear to me. You may need to reflect on it.

9/8/15 3.15am I would be pleased to make a sworn statement about this.

11/8/15 Please let me try to explain. I happened across it. It happened.

If we apply logic, nonces will make sure that those in the highest office to replace them are also nonces. They’ve got to appoint nonces to replaces them so that they will be safe. Doesn’t that make sense? Isn’t that logical?

You may find that those who are obviously lenient on nonces are either nonces or willing to overlook that to attain high office. …

later: But what’s happened now is that we’ve had a break. Current PM is there by a different route. I am tempted to call it a rupture – the point being that it is different to the previous path. Because of this ‘rupture’, the normal protection of establishment nonces is absent. Savile started it. Normal nonce control would have contained it.

later again edit: I hope that it is a rupture – that never again people will abuse children with impunity.

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Tony Blair, paedo
Tony Blair, paedo


Knox Cunningham …
Cliff Richard …
Jeff Gannon …
Falconer …
Janner …

Blair to Janner “I shall do my best to get you there [the Lords]. It’s not just that I’m fond of you, which I am. It’s not just that you’ve helped me a lot, which you have. It’s because you deserve it.” (you paedo)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3085573/Mandy-lobbied-Blair-Janner-peerage-sex-abuse-claims-Grandee-said-asked-Labour-leader-ennobling-ahead-1997-election.html

It’s as if it was electioneering … as though it was support me, I’m a paedo …

later: Blair’s message is safe hands because I’m a paedo too, I’ll look after you. Blair is safe hands for establishment paedos.


Which Blair minister intervened in supporting a paedo in Lambeth in adopting boys? Was it Blair? We want to know and we deserve to know. Please leak it (& also the Chilcot report).

later: to the Labour Party: He’s a paedo & it’s going to be catastrophic for you. It’s going to be factual. I tend to have a hateful regard of the Labour Party and you will have to deal with it or not. It’s yours. you c**ts. I fought back.

You useless c**ts – the Labour Party allowing a f***ing absolute psychopath to be do so much damage. I curse you with all my might. Get it?

The Labour Party, I salute you


So that there is no mistake, I am calling you classic original Fascist scum.

You’re all sh**s but there are some that I had contact with. That would be in Newport and Cardiff. Yes, you’re Labour sh**s that I had contact with, particularly that two-faced one in Newport.

So, if you defer to your authoritarian leader – ring his office for instructions, maybe get a little payback for your constituency. If you defer to your glorious, wonderful master does that make you a Fascist? Following orders, supporting the glorious leader. Does that make you a Fascist too? I think so.

Isn’t that what Fascism is? Deference to a glorious war leader? Isn’t that eXactly what you – and the wider Labour Party – did?

Twat Ian Blair with a gun
Twat Ian Blair with a gun

Tony Blair, apparent saviour but soon to be coffin-nail of the UK Labour Party (when exposed as a n***e)
Tony Blair, apparent saviour but soon to be coffin-nail of the UK Labour Party (when exposed as a n***e)

Cressida Dick
Cressida Dick, promoted to IPCC (to handle complaints …)




Er, have we had enough of this shit?

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