Terrorism BS
We’ve had two or three weeks of terrorism propaganda in UK corporate media just recently – and it’s been total BS.
It started with the Metropolitan Police warning UK citizens that they would be terrrists if they watched the supposed beheading of James Foley. If you’re following the news then you’re a terrrist? Actually, it’s probably more like if you’re able to use the internet, then you’re a terrrist.
Well come on then, I’ve watched it and am still sharing it on bittorrent. I’m not promoting it, it’s set to default upload of 1.25 and it hasn’t reached there in weeks. As soon as I post this I will not be doing my share back (because it’s been reached). I am aware that bittorrent users can be tracked – I appreciate that authorities (spooks) can clearly see my bittorrent activity. It’s very amateur and there’s not an actual beheading in the video.
That was a ramping-up of terrrorism BS (propoganda).
Much more recently – Friday – we’ve had the terrrosim BS alert has increased to be very scared because a terrorist attack is going to happen. It’s such BS because if you analyse the statements of David Cameron and Theresa May there is no intelligence to back it up – It is a political move.
There is no heightened threat of terrrism. People from UK have always gone to engage in wars abroad. You think that they’re going to have the same BS effect in UK – that the people of Croydon have been forced out of their homes and into the mountains of Surrey, are dying from exposure and are relying on humanitarian aid? Get real please.
Do you really accept that tihs that you’re fed?
My best guess is that USUK are going to go heavy into Syria pretending to go after so-called Isis but actually having that as a secondary purpose.
Two or three weeks ago so-called Isis were USUK allies because they were – together with al the ones using chemical weapons – fighting Syria.
While there’s a heightened terror alert that’s just political BS. Hey be really afraid – you have to cross the road tomorrow.