Coming Soon

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Hopefully coming soon, an article about UK facing many crises. While Coronavirus is the immediate crisis, the bigger crisis is Climate Change. While UK faces these two crises, UK government is intent on a no-deal Brexit from Europe.

Climate change should be addressed as part of the response to the current Coronavirus crisis. We should not return to business as usual …

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Can we have another Labour Party leadership election?

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Jeremy Corbyn – if you are able to – please consider standing for election as leader of the Labour Party.

I can’t help reflecting on how you and your team would have handled this crisis so much better.

ed: the Labour Party is properly a Socialist Party

… a party of Socialists

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Coming Soon

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I’m hoping to send a message to someone very special. It would be great if she could reply but it’s likely that she may have to reply through a different medium and I’ll get the the jist of it anyway.

It’s strange – of course – because you’ll all see what I have to say.

It will be along the lines of I am awfully pleased that she is able to have break since I was very concerned that she was under so much pressure being so young, but she has anyway proved herself to be a tough little one. I ‘m also intending to say that I expect huge progress be accomplished through and despite this adversity


23/4/20 I realise that it’s not about any individual and notice that Greta Thunberg makes efforts to be inclusive in this way. I’m thinking that it will instead be some comments on the many crises that we face, some campaigning suggestions & also trying to understand the opposition which I find very difficult to understand tbh. I don’t think that there are many of them but some are obviously ignorant and stupid, arrogant and pig-headed who have an urge to destroy themselves. later: (Trump supporters) later again: Actually, some Trump supporters.

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Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson catching Coronavirus and UK’s Herd Immunity Strategy

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Boris Johnson is or was insane.

The UK government has claimed that it was not pursuing a strategy of herd immunity but it was. The government’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has told Sky News that about 60% of people will need to become infected with coronavirus in order for the UK to enjoy “herd immunity”. See particularly from 4.30 minutes.

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I supported Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbot

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Well, that’s what I supported.

ed: Not only supported.

It was great that the Labour Party that we have just lost was a proper Socialist party willing to fight

It would be great – of course – for people to take their place. I’m not sure that we have time for party politics tbh

5.45pm New leader of UK Labour Party is recognised as being far closer to UK ‘establishment’ e.g. by being a privy council member, a Q.C. and previous head of Crown Prosecution Service. His team looks allright, we’ll have to see.

10/4/20 I am regarding the current Labour Party as irrelevant or as the opposition. While I agree with one or two appointments, the message of the appointment of the woofing mad one is received loud and clear.

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