Beyond onatism
I like Sci-Fi because it’s pretend, not real and escapism. Then you uber-onatists spoil it all with your Taliban, OBL wanling.
Terrorism wanjing
Shall we be afraid of …
crossing the road,
boiling a kettle,
smoking a cigarette,
because that’s much more likely to kill you than any imaginary terrrist
that is imagined to keep you scared
Codi Hwyl
Dwy’i eisiau codi hwyl a dysgi bod yn meistr go iawn (trac-cyflym i fod yn meistr). Rwy’n bwriadu hwylio’r byd cyn bo hi’n rhy hwyr.
Does dim anffawd mewn ailenwi os mae dyna ei – beth yw’r syniad yma? fod rhyw llwybr wedi ei benderfynu?
Beth am yr enw Codi Hwyl? Fy nghwch i?
Rwy’n barod ei ailenwi hi. Mae eisiau enw newydd arno hi (Rhywbeth fel bedyddiaeth). Bydd hi’n edrych ar fy ol fi. Byddaf fi’n edrych ar ei ol hi.
I do tend to think that these people who tried to have me killed as a suspected terrorist deserve to have the mirror turned on them. I did have a mirror held high.
Er, I’d better not forget Alastair Campbell. Named
I curse you all. Not forgetting that later Home Secretary. I curse you. I curse you to tormented lives.
It would be good if the Blairs couldn’t live with themselves. It would be good if they ‘suicided’ themselves.
Actually, I am so pissed off that Jean Charles de Menezes has been killed in my place.
JC dM points at me. Oh stick it up your arse pretend secrecy.
Pretend Aggripa
Oh Fuck Off pretend tube expolosions 7 July 2005
Fuck Off
edit: OK I’m fed up with this – it’s got to change
They are going to be held responsible
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. Named
John Reid. Named
Jaqui Smith. Named
Charles Clarke. Named
David Blunkett. Named
[22/3/15: I can make this easy. The cabinet shares responsibility – they are all jointly and severally responsible. Shall we say all cabinet members from Sept 2002 to the end of Brown’s government? Blunkett, Reid, Straw particularly piss me off though]
Who are these paedos going to be? I reckon it’s going to be all of Bliar’s cabinet.
One of Blair’s minister’s in Lambeth. Blair? Falconer? Who?
[22/3/15: I know of one paedo from Blair’s cabinet for certain. I also strongly suspect Blair himself based on his history. Having said that I really would not be surprised if they all were. This story of one of Blair’s minister’s supporting a Lambeth Southwark paedo childrens’ care home worker’s (manager / caretaker?) attempts to adopt children sounds like the sort of blatant total disregard for the law and untouchable air of Blair himself. ]
Please appreciate that it’s all total nonsense (BS)
Please appreciate that it’s all total nonsense (BS)
Carry on.
It is continuing tonight,
Jean Charles de Menezes
I jumped over barriers, I wore a jacket too warm …
Doesn’t he have My Name?
How can you not be your name?
They kill this poor person pointing at me.
Tony Blair, Ian Blair, Charles Clarke, Jack Straw, all those New Labour SHITS