It moves about, and it’s nonsense, and they have to personify it … this elusive threat

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That threat moves about.

It needs to be personified – OBL – perhaps not so much recently since he’s been killed about ten years after he died … He been killed ten years before he died and ten years after he died.

There’s people who oppose your way of life. Isn’t that awful? People who don’t agree with you? Don’t they deserve to be killed? Like, massively killed? Just because they’re not into killing people? So … people who ain’t into killing people should be killed? Is that it?

What I’m suggesting is, like, if they’re living in Pakistan and are having a wedding party. Don’t they deserve to be killed by a US drone from Virginia? Well they’re obviously foreign and that …

Sort it outo

ed: This has to stop. Killing people has to stop in 21st century. The people who had power no longer have power – now we negotiate and reach consensus.

This is 21st century. It is a new century. It is a new reality.

edit: Do you people in the US think that it’s acceptable to indiscriminately kill by drone in Pakistan? Well, do you?

They’re having a wedding party and a US done kills them all.   I’ll give you some dots    …

Continue ReadingIt moves about, and it’s nonsense, and they have to personify it … this elusive threat

NASA: 2014 the Warmest Year on Record

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Climate change, global warming, irrefutable facts about, climate change, global warming

Looking into the eye of a Whale is very special.

I am not suggesting that saving whales is any real response to climate change, although of course Whales should be protected and adored. What I am suggesting is that we should hugely reduce our – i.e. human – adverse effect on this beautiful planet that is our World. We need to make huge changes to stop destroying our World.

It’s not about personal issues like riding a bike and doing away with cars (although it may have a minimal affect edit: doing away with cars would have a huge effect, aeroplanes too). Yes, we need to act local – avoid travelling excessive distances. Get a job closer to home.

The real issue is much bigger and needs to be addressed by politicians. We have to stop destroying this World. 2014 was the warmest year on record. Climate change is real and must be addressed.

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People are travelling needlessly

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People are travelling hundreds or thousands of miles needlessly.

People are travelling hundreds of miles from A to B to do their thing …

… while

people are travelling hundreds of miles from B to A to do their thing …

… that’s their A to B

Can we address that please? Aeroplanes are not buses. Let’s cut this ridiculous nonsense out.

edit: Please. Isn’t this obvious? Isn’t it so ridiculous unnecessary climate-killing travel? Can’t we do it local? Are these flights needed? I know the answer – get a local job so that you can cycle there, get a bus or a cab.

Doesn’t that make sense?

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A different tangent …

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Let – us – go on a different tangent.

A sensible, realistic and worthwhile direction would perhaps [be] to appreciate the natural world, accept and attempt to address climate change, recognise and accept that we have to make real and fundamental changes to the way that we live because we are destroying our planet. We should also commit to be fair and support democracy.

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