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Maybe not too soon, looking at Keir Starmer’s Labour Party’s recent announcements is proving difficult. I’ve not found the 155-page document prepared by Gordon Brown yet – don’t know that it exists tbh – and there’s not a press release about these issues at the Labour Party UK website.

Presented as pro-democracy, giving people more control it’s actually about imposing control on the UK politics domain. Mayors are not pro-democracy, giving people control and it’s instead handing huge power to – often pro-Starmer – bigots. Abolishing the House of Lords is just words from a politician who has proved himself to be untrustworthy and duplicitous. Proportional representation is missing – the obvious pro-democracy measure. This is about Starmer’s Labour party wanting to take the Tories’ place as the normal UK government. They’re even trying to get the Tories unfair bonus under first past the post.

It’s correct that the Tories are finished after Boris, Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng. Even financial markets have standards and hedge funds are not well regarded(!). The Tories being finished doesn’t mean that Starmer’s Stalinist Labour party will benefit without question, without opposition from quarters unknown. These measures are Labour’s attempts to impose a framework of control on the politics ‘market’.

2.40pm: A broad left / Green coalition could do well. It should be recognised that the Labour Party is very hostile to Socialists and may always be. Corbyn and his supporters showed that there is widespread support for left politics, expression of which is now denied as normal. “Get Brexit done” was about getting that oven-ready deal cooked, about finally finishing Brexit and moving on … Is that ever going to happen?

15/12/22: Been looking at Brown’s paper. It’s not really argued, more as if you’re expected to simply accept the assumptions on which it’s based which of course I don’t.

Brown proposes economic growth which I don’t accept being dare I say the ‘one’ member of the anti-growth coalition. Incessant growth is not necessary if you’re instead wise and focused.

Brown also proposes states that economic growth will return trust to politics. That seems an insane idea to me. There is no trust in politics because politicians are repeatedly exposed as lying sihts. Brown should be well aware of this since he was the other half of Bliar’s government. While Bliar and Boris are the biggest, most obvious liars I’m sure that politicians have always been lying sihts divorced from reality. It doesn’t help that they’re public schoolboys.

5/1/22 Keith Starmer has made a speech today pushing the ideas in this report. It means that I should probably read the rest of Brown’s nonsense report.

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