Water bosses caught colluding with Labour in bid to avoid nationalisation

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Image of a burst water main.
Image of a burst water main.


THE boss of water giant Severn Trent was caught colluding with Labour’s increasingly right-wing leadership to stave off calls for nationalisation today.

In a leaked email marked “highly confidential,” Liv Garfield invited other bosses from across England’s privatised system to a “off-the-record roundtable” discussion on how to maintain the “status quo” amid the potential collapse of Thames Water.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer committed to state-run utility firms when he ran for the party leadership in 2020, but he has now largely abandoned the pledges, calling for better regulation instead.

Ms Garfield wrote: “While it is clear Labour will not include nationalisation in its next manifesto, they are also not keen on championing the status quo.

“The leadership thinks there is room for improvement and, politically, there is significant pressure to ‘do something’ about utilities.

“Labour is aware we are soft testing various ideas but have asked us to keep it highly confidential so please don’t forward this email.”


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