Climate Crisis :: EXTINCTION REBELLION Monday 15 July – ‘Summer Uprising: ACT NOW’ begins

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From Monday 15 July Extinction Rebellion’s ‘Summer Uprising – ACT NOW!’ to cause major disruption across five UK cities - Extinction Rebellio
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… [S]tarting Monday 15 July Extinction Rebellion UK will return to block streets day after day creating open public spaces for creative resistance in five cities in England, Wales and Scotland – Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leeds and London. People are coming together through a set of UK wide regional acts of nonviolent civil disobedience to demand the Government ACT NOW to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.

Marking the beginning of preparations for Extinction Rebellion’s next International Rebellion which will begin on Monday 7 October 2019, the Summer Uprising will follow on from this weekend’s East London Uprising.

Each site will have family-friendly spaces, live music, print workshops, speeches and more. Everyone is invited to join this exciting coordinated Summer Uprising in the city of their choosing:

Sea Levels Are Rising and So Are We – Bristol (XR South-West England)

In Bristol the focus will be on rising sea levels. This reflects the city’s maritime history and its risk of floods, which NASA research warns are likely to be a regular occurrence by 2050 if climate breakdown isn’t urgently addressed. 22,300 residential Bristol properties will be at risk, and flooding is likely to affect power stations.

Russell Arnott, 38, Oceanographer, University of Bath
“We are taking action in Bristol to tell the Government to act now on climate change and ecological breakdown. Average sea levels have risen by 23cm since 1880 with devastating consequences. This is causing destructive erosion, flooding, more frequent hurricanes and powerful storms, killing and displacing millions worldwide. We have to wake up to the facts. This is a crisis to deal with, here and now.”

For updates on Bristol, follow Extinction Rebellion Bristol on facebook, twitter and their website.

The Sixth Mass Extinction is Already Here – Cardiff (XR Wales)

Cardiff will be transformed by the arrival of concerned citizens from across Wales who are determined to highlight the need for the Welsh Government to dramatically accelerate its actions in tackling the climate crisis and ecological emergency. 

They will be occupying a central space in Cardiff – meeting from 11am Monday outside Cardiff National Museum. Dressed in yellow, protestors will represent dead canaries inspired by the words of Irish President Michael D Higgins, “If we were coal miners we’d be up to our knees in dead canaries”. The sixth mass extinction is here and it’s time to act now.

Stephen Lingwood, 37, Extinction Rebellion Cardiff
“People are dying right now of climate chaos in places like India. It’s only going to get worse. We’re at the beginning of the sixth mass extinction and a climate genocide and the government’s inaction is, in my view, criminally irresponsible.”

For updates on Cardiff, follow Extinction Rebellion Cardiff on facebook and their twitter.

The Future You Fear is Already Here: Glasgow (XR Scotland) #Justice4ClimateRefugees

Glasgow / Scotland’s focus for the Summer Uprising is solidarity with climate refugees. Climate crisis and ecological breakdown are not distant threats: all around the world people are already dying and being displaced. The future effects of the Climate and Ecological Emergency that we in the UK are terrified about – floods, food shortages, droughts and resulting conflicts – are already a reality for millions of people in the Global South/Majority World. The Glasgow event will have live music, a ceilidh, speakers on climate justice and refugee solidarity, and family activities with Wee Rebellion.

Daniel Armstrong, 24, Extinction Rebellion Scotland
“As the climate continues to break down, more and more parts of the world will become uninhabitable. Immigration is already seen as a big issue but it will only increase as more people are displaced. But if you’re faced with unlivable conditions due to extreme weather, food shortages and drought, you have no choice but to leave. From the perspective of my hometown Glasgow, where refugees are welcomed, we stand in solidarity with those affected not just by climate chaos but also those displaced by this global crisis.”

For updates on Glasgow, follow Extinction Rebellion Glasgow on facebook and their twitter.

Planet Before Profit: Leeds (XR North England)

Rebels will target Leeds’ financial sector, which is the biggest and fastest growing outside London, to draw attention to the links between banking and the climate and ecological emergency. Demands will be made for the finance industry to radically clean up its act and invest to be part of the solution, not the problem. 

Rev’d Jon Swales (B.A Hons, M.A, MLitt), 41, Leeds 
“Too often we remain silent in the face of injustice, oppression and extinction. I will not be silent for the sake of the world’s most poor.

“The Extinction Rebellion protests in Leeds will allow the alarm bell to ring loud and clear in the City in which I live and work. If this call is heeded perhaps we can avert the worst of what is yet to come. I intend to play my part in non-violent and love shaped protest.”

For updates on Leeds, follow Extinction Rebellion Leeds on facebook and their twitter.

We Are Nature Defending Itself: London (XR South-East England and National)

People are invited to gather outside the Royal Courts of Justice (time TBC) in solidarity with all climate activists defending our planet around the globe. We demand climate justice for all and call on Government to make ecocide law. We stand with those laying their bodies on the line to defend the natural world and commend their courage. We are nature defending itself!

Fletcher Horobin-Worley, 45, Extinction Rebellion London:
“The time to debate climate change is over. Now we must talk of climate justice. Now we must talk of moral obligations. Right now thousands suffer and die every year in the global south due to climate change. Entire island nations are being wiped of the map. Now we must meet our duty to shoulder the burden of adapting to climate breakdown. ”

For updates on London, follow Extinction Rebellion London on facebook, twitter and their website.

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Climate Emergency: The rich have destroyed the planet

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The long-awaited climate-emergency post. I have taken some time to decide what’s necessary to say. This post may be revised and expanded but the main points will remain.

Climate change, the climate emergency or crisis is a fact. The poles are melting, sea levels are rising, seas are turning to acid, polar bears and penguins have nowhere to live. It’s taken repeated record temperatures and a little girl for it to be accepted such was the power of climate denial.

The rich are responsible for having destroyed the planet. They were fully aware of the consequences of their actions but continued regardless. They destroyed the planet for profit, to enrich themselves and funded climate denial. Big oil was aware of climate change and global warming in the sixties and certainly fully aware by the early eighties.

Political parties that deny climate change – right-wing parties like UKIP and Nigel Farage’s Brexit party “In terms of policy, there’s no difference (to UKIP)…” are sucking up to the ultra-rich showing that they present no threat to their interests. ed: many prominent Brexiteers are climate change enthusiasts.

It is safe to assume that the World’s plants and animals do not have a concept of ownership. They do however have as much right to live, to exist. The rich do not own the planet and do not have the right to destroy it.

Unless you’re filthy rich, it’s unlikely whatever you do is going to make any noticeable difference. It is the rich who have superyachts and private jets. It is the rich who fly abroad for meals. It is the rich who travel with entourages. It is the rich that own private islands.

There is an exception – a secondary lesser class of human that is climate-dirty: those who travel a great deal especially those that commute by airplane. People who fly regularly are climate-dirty.

A wider issue: the rich are in charge. Wars are conducted at their behest and for their benefit. The whole bullshit narrative of terrorism and consequent anti-Muslim racism is for them. It is their bullshit narrative to divide and control, to weild their influence. There is one main nation-state behind terrorist attacks, often aided by another one or two nation-states with police and intelligence agencies playing along with it, turning a blind eye. Terrorist attacks are often timed for political objectives of no advantage to Islamists. You have to be really stupid to believe that a disabled old man could achieve so much from a cave in Afghanistan and that it didn’t provide the excuse for yet another war for the dirty black stuff.

edit: I am aware that I have power and influence which I tend to regard as transitory and temporary. The climate emergency is a big deal and I am laying the blame exactly where it belongs.

later: I need to write about corporate climate destruction while this post is about lifestyle climate destruction. Corporate solar exploration appears particularly futile and climate destructive. Trips to outer space for the rich? ed: It’s space tourism for the rich to further destroy the planet.

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In support of Extinction Rebellion and school student activists

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In support of Extinction Rebellion and school student climate activists this blog is recognising a Climate Emergency.

Climate Emergency

At the end of 2018, the UN Secretary General warned us:

  • Humanity and life on Earth now face a ‘direct existential threat’
  • The world must act swiftly and robustly to keep global warming under 1.5°C and try to avoid utterly catastrophic impacts to life on Earth.

Human activity is causing irreparable harm to the life on this world. A mass extinction event, only the sixth in roughly 540 million years, is underway. Many current life forms could be annihilated or at least committed to extinction by the end of this century.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the earth we plant in, the food we eat, and the beauty and diversity of nature that nourishes our psychological well-being, all are being corrupted and compromised by the political and economic systems that promote and support our modern, consumer-focussed lifestyles.

We must act while we still can. What we are seeing now is nothing compared to what could come.  

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