How many people believe the Neo-con Bullshit?

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Isn’t this a constitutional crisis?

We don’t believe your bullshit.

We call you out – This terrorism bullshit is bullshit.

We realise that the Neo-Con terrorism be afraid bullshit is exactly that.

ed: The Rest of the World recognises Neo-Con terrorism bullshit as exactly that. I would hope that it is recognised that Pres. Obama is a different administration. I hope that he shows that he is. I do actually have some faith in him ;)

later edit: faith might be the wrong word but then that’s the word I used… He’s not there for much longer – let’s be easy, eh?

later again edit: actually I commend Obama and I ask you to support his efforts.

And hopefully he’s realise very soon that drones are outrageous.

counter-productive, nasty, so evil that wedding parties are getting …

Let’s make this clear. I want to or I am even supporting Obama. Yes I am. But let’s stop the nonsense. Let’s stop that.

Actually I’ve got distracted. I’d like the Pres to be righteous.

later: OK Pres: Can you please stop the drones? The problem is that the drones are killing the wrong people. To be honest you should realise that there are no terrorists – that it’s all total nonsense.

Anyway, please stop the drones that kill wedding parties. Also, please stop this War on Terrorism bullshit. There are no terrorists. Please come and discuss it with me.

Well of course there are terroritsts. WTF are they? It’s not difficult, is it?

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Call yourself an (A)narchist?

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Well, I think that so-called Anarchists are very crap. They believe 9/11 and 7/7 bullshit for a start.

Call yourself an (A)narchist and believe Corporatist BS? You are so Fing crap.

Do also swallow wholesale the whole terrrism shit? You’re fecking useless.

Hey, it’s all fashion for you, No?

Anarchists. Punk fashion. FO.

later edit: It’s so ridiculous that this  absolute, total nonsense is accepted by you. Don’t you realise that it’s BS for mongs? Yes, I know that it’s not politically correct. Are you a mong?

King El! Can you think for yourself? Can you think for yourself?

A bearded one with a laptop in a cave in Afghanistan? C’mon get real.

It was controlled in the United States. It was done from within US.


With assistance from Bliar’s UK …

Continue ReadingCall yourself an (A)narchist?

NASA: 2014 Warmest Year On Record

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Climate change is real – we are destroying our beautiful planet World.

“2014 was the planet’s warmest year on record. Now, one year doesn’t make a trend, but this does: Fourteen of the 15 warmest years on record have all fallen in the first 15 years of this century.” President Obama, US President 2015 State of the Nation address.

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