Coming soon: Coronavirus UK

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Coronavirus UK is a big issue so there will be a series of posts. I intend to explain in some detail why UK is pursuing it’s current course (essentially the NHS is totally overwhelmed so the purpose is to reduce infection as far as possible), how the Coronavirus crisis is also a crisis for Capitalism (and compare and contrast to the previous crisis of Capitalism 2008). Hopefully people are realising that good health and an adequately funded and otherwise properly resourced health system is of paramount importance.

One issue to note now: Official guidance to wash hands often is simplified. The reason behind it is that viruses spread through fomites – objects that are shared by people. The obvious ones I can think of are shared rails and handles on public transport, buttons on intercoms, elevators, entry or exit to blocks of flats, handles on supermarket baskets and trolleys. It is suggested that Coronavirus / Covid-19 can remain viable on metal and wood fomites for up to 48 hours.

Continue ReadingComing soon: Coronavirus UK

Coming soon :: Focus on Cuba

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I did promise you a short series of a week [ed:month] [ed: no. a week] or so on wealth and inequality. That was a month or so ago. That’s difficult because you just have to search for it. The Occupy protesters were exactly right – it’s all for the 1%. The 1% own just about everything, governments suck up to the 1%, the 1% avoid paying tax, Giddeon Osborne goes to the 1% shindig at [ed: to] help them avoid tax, the UK government actually employed tax evader Philip Green … There is so much online about rich scum being rich scum. I apologise that I haven’t done anything about rich scum ruling the planet but it’s so obvious. It’s probably 0.01% never mind the 1%. Look just search for wealth inequality or distribution in a search enjin.

Anyway, I’m going to do a bit about Cuba.

Cuba has a fantastic health service despite being subjected to crippling sanctions by the US for decades. Cuba trains so many doctors and other medical professionals who often [ed: that might be always] go to assist in disasters, etc.

Somehow the UK Solidarity Campaign – as well I am sure as other countries – were able to bypass those sanctions. I am proud to [ed: have] played a small part in the UK Cuba Solidarity Campaign – which involved individuals and trade unions – and we were able to send ambulances and medical supplies to Cuba. I’ve heard stories of Cubans saying to tourists “Thank you. You’re from ~wherever~. Your* ambulance saved my mum”. The ambulances are not repainted, they’re ambulances.

President Obama is going to visit Cuba in a month or so as part of his visit of South American nations.

*I edited You’re to Your for grammatical correctness

7pm 21/2/16

One slight mistake there. I called Philip Green a tax evader. Tax evasion is illegal. Tax avoidance is legal tax evasion so Philip Green should properly be called a tax avoider.

One way to consider the 0.01% is that they are the 1% of the 1%.

ed: It should be recognised that rich scum’s wealth is unearned. Rather wealth grows wealth. Very little research reveals that the rich are getting richer over the past two or three decades.

Continue ReadingComing soon :: Focus on Cuba