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I will be looking at one of the victims of  7/7

Helena Katherine Jones

Almost as if she was a chosen victim, isn’t it? … a successful human rights lawyer … active in opposition to Blair & Co’s Iraq war

… but how is that possible … if they were attacks by suicide bombers?



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Some dots to join

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Join the dots …


Ian Blair (when he was actually Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police;) said “to paraphrase another great American, Mark Twain, on reading his obituary, accounts of my demise are premature.” 


If London can survive the Blitz It can survive four miserable bombers”

Ian Blair 8 July 2005


The Death card from Crowley's Thoth TarotThoth Tarot’s Death card, the letter Nun, value 50.




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Looking at Ian Blair and various names, abbreviations of those names and salutations.

edit: My mistake. I’m looking at formal titles not salutations.

later edit: There are two aspects: covert and overt. Covert, hidden messages and overt harassment e.g. “Houston, we have a problem”, involving using the vast resources of the state against one individual. All those involved – Ian Blair, Tony Blair, Reid, Straw, Blunkett, Charles Clarke, Campbell, and later Jackie Smith [11/7/11 Jacqui Smith] are absolute f’ing scum.

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