NHS news review

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A recent news article about the UK’s Conservative and Liberal-Democrat coalition government – the ConDem’s – brutal attack on the National Health Service.

‘Wake up’ to risks of NHS reforms before too late, says Lib Dem MP | GPonline.com

A Liberal Democrat member of the health select committee has called for MPs and the public to ‘wake up’ to the risks of Health Bill reforms before it’s too late.

Andrew George (St Ives, Cornwall) refused to support the Health and Social Care Bill during its progress through parliament, and has strongly attacked the proposed reforms.

He argued that the Bill would ‘damage the NHS more than it will help it in spite of the ‘pause’ and changes’.

Mr George has called a public meeting in his constituency of St Ives the week before the Bill goes through the Commons in early September.

National and local speakers will be invited to take part in the event and debate the future of the NHS.

Mr George said: ‘I’m pleased that earlier protests resulted in some improvements to the Bill following the ‘pause’ and ‘listening exercise’.

‘However, it has still not dealt with some of the major risks the Bill represents – particularly the creation of an NHS independent of government and the future role of the private sector in running great swathes of much of our public health services.’

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