About reality [and truth]

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I am trying to stay true to my earlier commitment ( and I may even get to more, better and more appropriate images soon ;)

Let’s consider reality and truth …

Which reality and truth do you prefer?

Which reality is more real?

Which truth is more true?

It’s only the start but I do hope that it’s a better deal for you.


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An apology and a commitment

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I apologise for my drunken rantings. My audience deserves far better than that.

I commit to publishing more quality posts. This blog has published some excellent material so I will try to get back to that sort of quality. I have some thoughts on Prism that I need to collect together as a start.

Part of the problem is that this blog will [possibly] never be a real blog – the only comments posted are a deluge of spam so that they’re not even read. I’ll try to address that.



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