New Labour were crap, weren’t they?

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Tony Blair, what a child

what a child

what a child

ed: did you notice I called him a child?

What a child, eh?

ed: I suggest that this has no relevance to anything and should be ignored. While this is nonsense, I think that people and politicians etc, should pay attention to all the false-flag BS that’s happened. Politicians particularly should pay attention because its BS and they’re expected to behave as if it’s real shit. That must be awkward – so much BS which politicians have got to pretend is real.

Continue ReadingNew Labour were crap, weren’t they?

I advise not having a television

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It’s fantastically ‘efficient’ at wasting your time

It’s fantastically ‘efficient’ at distracting you

Don’t you have much better things to do with your life?

ed: Isn’t it just keeping you there inactive – while actually polluting your brain with nonsense – while you could be doing something better or more productive?

Like going for a walk, or meeting people (while you’re going for a walk), tidy up, put the trash out, going to the gym (eh?), going for a walk, go to the pub instead of watching television – please people going to the pub is great, you get to drink alcohol and talk to people. Try it.

Anyway, try taking the fuse out of the plug and see how it goes. You’ll be surprised – your family will talk to each other. You could have a broken fuse so that the television doesn’t work over Christmas. XXX

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