I’d like to make quite clear …

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  1. That I am not and have never been a Labour Party member.
  2. I am not a member of and have never attended a meeting of the Momentum organisation.
  3. I am a Socialist with a big, capital S.
  4. I have a history of active opposition to the Labour Party while it was hijacked and perverted by Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’ regime.
  5. I am not in any sense concerned at being regarded as a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’. It has been established that there was a Hillsborough conspiracy. Blair & Co conspired to promote imaginary and non-existent weapons of mass destruction to attack Iraq despite the absence of any evidence. It was so abundantly clear at the time that this was a totally fabricated nonsense. Blair & Co published two fabricated dossiers.




Iraq war families crowdsource for funds to sue Tony Blair

Relatives of British Iraq War dead launch crowdfunding appeal for possible legal action against Tony Blair


Taxpayer will fund Tony Blair’s legal costs as Iraq War families look to sue


ed: It appears that ‘the Establishment’ is totally prepared to protect Tony Blair despite his traitorous behaviour. I consider that to be unacceptable to myself and to the UK population and electorate.

ed: ed: It’s not as if it wasn’t expressed at the time, is it?

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