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Wedi bod yn hwylio yn ddiweddar. Rwy’n newydd i hwylio a dyma’r tro cyntaf i fi mynd ar trip hwylio go iawn. Neidiais i ar cynnig hwylio yng nghwmni cwch arrall o fy nghlwb hwylio.

Cyn gadael symudais i fy nghwch i’r pontwn er mwyn ei llwytho. Roedd y pontwn yn lyb ac yn llithrig ac i mewn i’r dwr es i. Yn lwcus roedd un o’r cwch arall ar gael i clymu fy nghwch i’r pontwn. Cyn i fi cwmpo i’r dwr, roedd e wedi fy rhybuddio “Mae’n llithrig yno”.

Caethon ni hwyl wych i Fae Caerdydd o’r dwyrain. Roedden ni’n erbyn y gwynt ac ‘tacking’ yr holl ffordd. Roedd fy nghwch i yn wych – yn hwylio’n agos iawn i’r gwynt.

Ar y dydd Mawrth moduron ni i Abartawe.

Dydd Mercher, hwylion ni o Abertawe yn bwriadu cyrraedd Dinbych-y-Pysgod. Allan o Fae Abartawe roedd hi’n arw. Roeddwn i’n ceisio aros a’r cwch arall ond doedd dim siawns. Ro’n i’n teithio yn llawer rhy gyflym i fy brofiad – yn cyffwrdd wyth a hanner not ar adegau yn ol y GPS a’r gunwalls yn lyb. Roedd fy nghwch yn hwylio’n wych eto a fi oedd yn dal hi’n ol a heb bod mewn rheolaith yn iawn.

Image of Worm's Head (snagged from the web)

I ffwrdd o Pentir Gofan (Worm’s Head) stopiais i’r cwch mewn ‘heave-to’ damweiniol. Roedd hi’n croeso cael saib am dipyn. Gallwn i weld fod Bae Caerfyrddin hyd yn oed yn fwy arw. Penderfynnais i dychwelyd i Abertawe. Roeddwn i wedi blino’n llwyr erbyn hyn felly modurais i yn ol.

Image of a dolphin (snagged from the web, probably not the one i saw)

Ges i dolffin yn neidio ar draws flaen y cwch am amser byr wrth moduro heibio Rhosili. Roeddwn i’n synny mor fach ydyn nhw. Mae gweld dolffin i fod i bod yn lwcus ond methodd y modur wrth agosai Bae Abertawe.

Roedd y cwch yn Marina Abertawe am wythnos wrth i fy trwsio’r modur, teithio gyda’r tren i hel darnau ac wedyn aros i’r llanw iawn cyn ymadael. Arosais i am llanw isel yn y bore cyn teithio’n nol i Fae Caerdydd. Doedd dim gwynt a modurais i yng nghwmni cwch arall yr holl ffordd nol.

Gadewais i’r cwch yn Fae Caerdydd am ychydig o ddyddiau a teithio yn ol adref ar y tren.

Wedi dychwelyd i’r cwch nos Wener i hwylio ar ddydd Sadwrn, dyma galwad “Rhys, wyt ti’n dod am paned?”. Roedd dau cwch o fy nghlwb hwylio yno hefyd yn bwriadu dychwelyd ar y Sadwrn.

Mae pobl a ffrofiad anferth yn fy nghlwb hwylio – un ohonyn nhw wedi hwylio square-rigger am tair neu pedair blynedd, un arall wedi hwylio’r Atlantic nifer o weithiau ac ati. Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn eu bod nhw mor gyfeillfar ac annogol.


I’ve been sailing recently. I’m new to sailing and this is the first time I went on a proper sailing trip. I jumped at the opportunity to go sailing with another boat from my sailing club.

Before leaving I moved my boat to the pontoon to load it. The pontoon was wet and slippery and into the water I went. Luckily one from the other boat moored my boat to the pontoon. Before I fell in the water, he warned me “It is slippery there”.

We had great fun sailing to Cardiff Bay from the east. We were against the wind and tacking all the way. My boat was great – it sailed very close to the wind.

On Tuesday, we motored to Abartawe.

On Wednesday, we left Swansea Bay planning to reach Tenby. The weather was awful out of Swansea Bay. I tried to keep up with the other boat but there was no chance. I was travelling far too fast for my experience – the GPS read eight and a half knots at times and the gunwalls were wet. My boat sailed really well again. It was me holding her back and I wasn’t properly in control.

Image of Worm's Head (snagged from the web)

Off Pentir Gofan (Worm’s Head) I stopped the boat in an accidental ‘heave-to’. The short break was welcome. I could see that Carmarthen Bay was even rougher. I decided to return to Swansea. I was totally exhausted by now and motored back.

Image of a dolphin (snagged from the web, probably not the one i saw)

I briefly had a dolphin jumping across the bow as I motored past Rhossili. I was surprised how small they are. Seeing a dolphin is supposed to be lucky but the motor failed close to Swansea Bay.

The boat was at Swansea Marina for a week as I repaired the motor, travelled by train to get spares and then waiting for the tide before leaving. I waited for a low tide in the morning before travelling back to Cardiff Bay. There was no wind and I motored with another yacht all the way back.

I left the boat in Cardiff Bay for a few days and travelled home on the train.

After returning to the boat on Friday evening to sail on Saturday, there was a call “Rhys, are you coming for a cuppa?” Two boats from my sailing club were there planning to return on Saturday.

People at my sailing club have huge experience – one of them sailed a square-rigger for three or four years, another has sailed the Atlantic several times and so on. I am very grateful that they are so friendly and encouraging.

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