Christmas / Mid-winter Appeal

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I’ve not done a Christmas / Mid-winter appeal before so here we go.

The Christmas celebration is terribly wasteful – we often give people gifts that they don’t want or need. If you can afford it, I’m asking you to support ActionAid or a similar charity this year. Gifts can be bought from ActionAid UK here. Looks like you can buy from outside UK or otherwise please find a similar charity.

The advantages of buying a gift from ActionAid is that you’re not being wasteful – you’re buying something that someone actually needs and it’s also very good value.

There’s also the change to hit the jackpot. Send the card to a current resident of Pennsylvania Avenue and you’ll hit 3 out of 3. I’m sure that he’ll be so pleased that you’ve bought him a gift supporting black women in one of those &#!7#0l3 countries he loves so much.

I wish you all a happy Mid-winter festival. Take care and please remember that it’s not too wise to travel all over the country atm.

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