‘Extreme’: Record-breaking marine heatwaves off UK and Ireland concern experts

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Meteorologists are monitoring what they believe to be record-breaking marine heatwaves off northeast England and northwest Ireland.

Sea temperatures around the UK and Irish coasts are up to five degrees Celsius warmer than normal for this time of year, smashing records.

Parts of the North Sea are in a category four “extreme” marine heatwave, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has warned.

Temperatures are particularly high around the north-east coast of England and the west of Ireland.

Warming seas could bring jellyfish and basking sharks closer to the shore, and cause poisonous algae to bloom. 

The marine heatwave has deeply concerned marine scientists. 


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Environment groups condemn Norway’s move to open its waters to deep sea mining

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Norway’s government signalled its intention to open up the country’s waters to deep sea mining, but environmental groups have slammed the move.

Environmental groups have condemned Norway’s proposal to open up parts of the country’s continental shelf for commercial deep sea mining.

The Norwegian government announced its intentions on Tuesday, although the move still has to be formally debated by parliament later this year.



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The Sun downplays key data which shows huge public support for Net Zero

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Image of a climate protest

The Sun paid for a UK poll on net-zero but downplayed the key finding, that there is huge cross-party support for Net Zero.

The poll showed that while 65% of the public support net-zero just 19% opposed it. There was cross-party support for Net Zero, with 54% of Tory voters supporting it, while 31% opposed it.

80% of those who identified as Labour voters supported the push towards Net Zero, just 8% opposed it, with a +72 net support rating for Lib Dem voters too.


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