What it’s like to be a suspected terrorist

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I think that it started over thirty 0dd years ago. My insane radical political parents involved me in their radical political protests while I was in my early teens. I was neglected and    abused and starved of love and affection.

Want a zebra crossing? You need a can of white paint for that. Let’s occupy the the Dept of Trade and Industry boardroom, British Steel Wales boardroom, let’s picket Bob Scholey British Steel’s boss’s house. Thatcher lied about creating a Welsh fourth television channel – now S4C. “Who, where, when and why made the Queen tell a lie?” aping a Telegraph advertising campaign at the time. At fifteen I was arguing with nuclear power PR men and wiping the floor with them.

We were used to being routinely followed and it was accepted that the phone was tapped by local Special Branch (political police). It was easier then because they couldn’t hide so easily. There was a story about a real-world experiment at that time: posting unexposed camera film to many addresses and virtually none of it arrived undamaged. They weren’t that bright – it was clumsy and coarse – but you knew they were the enemy. How is it different to repressive regimes where they open your post and listen to your phone calls if you’re a political dissident?

Police magicked a story about a mini being seen at the scene of a Welsh holiday-home arson and – as if by coincidence – I was driving a mini that had been stored away in a garage for a couple of years. That was a fantastic car with a hundred and forty thousand miles on the clock. You could really throw it about and slide it sideways. I took it through a deep flood on the road with people standing around their much larger wet stopped cars – feel the power of a splash guard on the distributor and WD40.

In my teens I was a radical political activist taking part in some variously successful campaigns. They were scared. There’s a very capable youngster here opposing Capitalism and nuclear BS. And then there was that other thing about names, dates and numbers which I knew nothing about at the time.

So once you’re suspected of being a suspected terrorist you’re watched for ever. Everything you do is watched like a hawk and interpreted in the most perverse ways but it’s much more than that.

All the people you meet are tainted so that they are also suspected terrorists – at least until they are cleared. Their financial transactions are delayed until it’s clear that they do actually want to expand their business. Your doctors surgery starts treating you like shit until you twig that they’ve been served a non-disclosure disclosure notice – we want to know everything about your suspected terrorist and if you tell anyone else we’ll come down on you like a ton of bricks.

I’ve got an old – some would say classic – motorbike, a bicycle or two, lawnmowers and other petrol garden tools, an old yacht to maintain and I also maintain a close friend’s old 1.9 IDT. I need to buy parts for them but it’s not accepted that I buy parts to maintain these vehicles. It’s what sort of bomb can he make with all these filters? What bomb can he make with this acetone (to clean carburettors)? Is he making a water bomb with that coolant temperature sensor?

The 1.9 IDT was owned from new. It was delayed for hours on it’s first 1000 miles service while our own hidden police radio was fitted.

[7/10/17 There was a persistent drain on the battery recently so that the car refused to start if unused for a couple of days. I had to learn how to do a parasitic drain test and identified the drain as the shared power feed to the air conditioning and OBD2 diagnostic port. The OBD2 port would be an ideal place to feed a hidden police radio – on a new car it would not be expected to be used for many years. I would expect such a hidden police radio to be based on mobile phone technology and that after fourteen years or so the battery is worn out. Problems have been experienced using the ODB2 port.]

A real problem is that once you’re a suspected terrorist all your rights vanish. One of the messages of the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes is that suspected terrorists can be murdered with immunity. ed: Actually the message is all we need to do to conduct a political execution is to call you a suspected terrorist.

Everything is interpreted according to their twisted logic: He must be a terrorist because we’ve been watching him for 30 years. The flaw here of course is that if he’s a terrorist, then why has he never done any terrorism?

Fake terrorism bullshit looks very different from my perspective as a suspected terrorist. All this fake, manufactured terrorism BS. Terrorism at election time? It doesn’t take much to see through that one does it?

Suspected terrorists are killed dead so that there is never a trial and they always take their passports along? I believe that there has been entrapment like that trying to kill me. They’ll say well he was well known to authorities, we’ve been watching him for thirty years.

Blair’s butler Ian Blair was a real Fascist. He attacked me personally for cutting political critique i.e. attacking his master. He was quite simply a blatant Fascist murdering bastard. I’m sure that there is loads of fictional BS on me from his master’s Fascist era.

ed: I may expand this post

25/8/17 This may be a draft for a better-written article. There’s a lot to include.

About contacts being regarded as suspect. I think it was Snowden that revealed that contacts up to 3 steps removed are checked. For example I am registered to email lists that offer items for free so that they are kept from the rubbish tip. So, everyone offering by email or reading or receiving emails would be the first step, all their contacts would be the second step and all their contacts would be the third step.

Obviously this is a huge and futile practice involving a lot of wasted effort. It follows that a large part of it will be automated so that totally innocent peoples’ computers, phones, etc will be hacked by GCHQ automatically. In the past I’ve been regularly unsubscribed from such mailing lists by the spooks so that they can avoid this futile heavy workload.


This was probably about 6 or 7 years ago. I went to a local concert as part of a local festival. It was about 9pm and it was the end of it. I got there and bought a pint. I was clocked by a mounted policeman. Ten minutes or so later two fire engines turned up to a hotel nearby on a false alarm.

Local police are much better in recent years. They’re probably aware now that it’s politically-motivated BS.

I saw a sniper watching me on a roof while I was at Swansea Marina very recently.

[7/10/17 It was very strange. He was on a roof about 150m away with a good view of me as I emerged from the cabin in the morning. The trouble is that you climb a few steps to emerge from the cabin so you tend to be looking upwards – in this case at rooftops. He scurried away soon as I was watching. It could have been somebody dressed in black just hanging around on a roof early on a cold morning.]

I want to stress again that this is about politics and nothing to do with counter-terrorism. Ian Blair, former boss of the Metropolitan Police was blatantly promoting Tony Blair’s government. There is likely to be all sorts of BS on police records from that era. The effect is harassment of political activists.

Counter-terror programme is “doing a fantastic job” insists Home Secretary Amber Rudd during Leeds visit


6/8/17 [About this blog]. I’m sure that there has been efforts to hide the popularity and influence of this blog from me. All stats – even ones that I’ve installed have been useless. The popularity of this blog varies wildly partly because it’s often not updated for extended periods. There have been times when it was massively popular which is seen in indirect feedback other than stats.

There’s also the absence of comments. While I do use Kismet spam filter, I’m sure that I also have a secretary at GCHQ censoring many comments before it reaches Kismet. I’ll get about one genuine comment a year. Not even abuse gets through. Surely this blog is offensive enough to attract abuse?


Internet security: While I do the basics like run Linux, a firewall and ensure that my system is kept up-to-date with security patches I recognise, appreciate and accept that I am one individual against huge odds. I have some understanding of computer security issues e.g. I understand Edward Snowden and Julian Assange (he needs to get out more) and can program a little but I’m no match for government agencies and many others. Is there a defence against zero-day exploits that insecurity agencies buy and develop? Mobile devices are a serious security issue. It’s probably best to simply accept that security is illusory unless there’s a dedicated team addressing it, and even then …

I noticed someone vulnerability scanning [me] many years ago. It came from Royal Mint Square, E1 very close to Tower Bridge. There are a lot of companies there – I didn’t pay much attention to who it was although it was a private company. I ping flooded them back. They didn’t notice until I ramped it up so not that good at it.

Getting noticed: I tend to use bank cards a lot so that I am easily monitored. Riding a motorcycle (with the number plate on the back) and sailing a little I avoid Auto Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). What it means is that I can surface somewhere unexpectedly.

Generally, it’s not anything near as bad as it was under the Fascism of the Blairs. I get surprised by attacks from unexpected sources. I was surprised by the blatant attacks from Ian Blair. I have recently been surprised by attacks from a GP. People follow different agendas.

13/12/17 People follow different agendas … and in the case of army and police they follow the agendas of the people in charge of them. On occasion I have been followed to protect me.

12/7/18 I get the impression that during the Blair era that there was a continuous forever emergency crisis so that the army was deployed against political critics. I certainly saw that with Chinook helicopters watching me in an urban area. Not subtle, that.

Continue ReadingWhat it’s like to be a suspected terrorist

Amber Rudd plc trashing peoples’ computing devices

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The privatised – presumably for the purpose of tax evasion [sorry, avoidance] – Home Secretary Amber Rudd is trashing peoples’ computing devices.

I have been a political activist for many years. I’ve engaged in totally legal political commentary. That’s why I have been regarded for years as a potential terrorist. I suppose it helps if you’re a bit of a capable and successful political activist too. Then there’s Cressida Dick echoing her previous master’s voice. Home grown again, “Fenians” again. I wish he’d just FO and die. The record’s stuck. It’s unstable not “apparently volatile” btw. I keep intending to do that video.

Theresa May and the Tories recent Investigatory Powers Act extends the UK snooping services snooping powers. They had huge powers before and did it illegally regardless. They can hack any of your connected devices now.

On Saturday, all of a sudden my phone’s battery discharged like a really-fast discharging thing. I know my phone and I’m familiar with how long the battery lasts. The battery discharged so much that I thought the phone was broken. I knew that something was up and it was so obvious.

I can’t send email from a webmail account. WTF? It’s sooooooo obvious.

Deliveries are delayed. I send an email from one of my email addresses to another one and it’s obviously going round the houses. They’re checking emails that I send to myself FFS. They’re not only watching but actively interfering.

So I’m buying a used part for my boat on ebay. It’s obviously a part for my boat. I’ve told the seller it’s to replace an exact part on my boat. It’s for my boat. If the snoopers were any good they would see that it’s for my boat and that I’ve been searching how to fix that part on my boat.

The seller’s saying she’s having terrible [trouble] with ebay and her puter. She’s getting really frustrated with her puter because these snoopy bstards are fekking it up for her because she has the misfortune to sell me something on ebay to me. It looks to me like she’s using speech-to-text – she may well be blind – and these Fascist fukkers are fukking her computer.

slightly later: I regard Theresa May, Amber Rudd, Cressida Dick and her former boss as the terrorists. I could be regarded as a counter-terrorist in that way. The above terrorists are not too keen on me recognising them as terrorists.

3/8/17 10am. Years ago – back in 2003 or 2004 – I’d wander around doing completely legal things and devices would be frying around me – mostly online tills in shops. Any shop I went into would have devices suddenly breaking down. These devices are usually very reliable of course.

I wondered if it was deliberate. It can be used like that of course, the message would be something like “You’re out of order disobeying the strong State and it’s glorious Leader. Shut up and Obey!”. They were attacking me while hiding then after all.

Having experienced all this BS – being treated as a pretend potential terrorist and being attacked by the State and the State’s repressive forces – I’ve come to realise that it’s all bullshit. Terrorism is a political tool and the politicians are the terrorists.

I’m a pretend suspected terrorist. I’m not really regarded as a real suspected terrorist. I’m a pretend suspected terrorist because of my political views and because I have been a political activist. Nobody seriously believes that I would ever do any real killing or explosive suiciding. I’m a pretend suspected terrorist so they can watch every move I make, so that they have advanced warning of my totally legal political actions.

16/8/17 My Android Tablet also appears to have been rooted. I use that for marine navigation.

I’m assuming that it’s UK govt, GCHQ, etc because that’s exactly what they do and I expect that there is that convention that nation states do not interfere with or murder a state’s citizens/subjects without that state’s acquiescence. Yes, that also applies to 911, 7/7 and particularly to the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes. I accept that it could be the US or a few other states on this basis.

21/8/17 I’m finding that my Android tablet is not connecting on trains and buses. It suggests that internet access on UK public transport is monitored by and under the control of GCHQ. It appears that UK under the Tories is a Fascist regime.

22/8/17 This all seems very provocative in a way which I don’t expect. It’s almost as if it’s provoking me to respond.

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A few questions about the Manchester explosion

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To question what happened in no way insults or disregards the dead and injured.

I have never been a member of and in no way am I associated with the Labour Party i.e. other than being a supporter.

A few questions:

http://ojp.nationalrail.co.uk/service/planjourney/search (now 00.20am 27 May 2017).

Major disruption at Manchester Victoria (1)

  • Train companies affected: Northern, TransPennine Express,

    Major disruption at Manchester Victoria until further notice

Was the explosion actually at Manchester Victoria station? Manchester Victoria station appears to be still closed. What’s going on?

Are these parts – which are claimed to be bomb parts – from heavy electrical equipment e.g. a transformer? [The battery suggests a back-up power supply.]

Claimed to be part of Manchester bomb

Claimed to be part of Manchester bomb

Claimed to be part of Manchester bomb

Why were firefighters prevented from attending for 90 minutes?

Continue ReadingA few questions about the Manchester explosion

They leave a signiature

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They leave a signiature…

In UK, it was reported as the Batalan theatre. Wasn’t it the Batalan Cafe with a band member known as the Devil while they were playing “Kiss the Devil”?

Bataclan cafe

ed: Image of the Bataclan cafe


Continue ReadingThey leave a signiature

Going Underground Special: John Pilger on Paris, ISIS and Media Propaganda

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Going Underground Special: John Pilger on Paris, ISIS and Media Propaganda

4/12/15 00.25 GMT Pilger: “That’s a ludicrous argument”. Do both of them share knowledge – probably like all real journalists that it’s ludicrous, er, perhaps like a ludicrous diversion?

From Pol Pot to ISIS: “Anything that flies on everything that moves”

by John Pilger

(on 2014-11-02)


Last year, the former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas revealed that “two years before the Arab spring”, he was told in London that a war on Syria was planned. “I am going to tell you something,” he said in an interview with the French TV channel LPC, “I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria… Britain was organising an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer Minister for Foreign Affairs, if I would like to participate… This operation goes way back. It was prepared, preconceived and planned.”

READ a 2007 State Department cable published by WikiLeaks about the 2006 declaration of the “Islamic State of Iraq”, the forerunner organisation of ISIS.

READ two US Congressional Research Reports on the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq under the leadership of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi (the predecessor of ISIS’ Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), following the death of the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, in 2006. See here and here.

READ a 2007 cable showing Islamic State presence in Iraq during 2007, and how demographic shifts in response to sectarian Shia-Sunni tensions, directly provoked by the US invasion and installation of a Shia-dominated government, were already playing into the hands of the group.

VIEW 113 Iraq War Logs documenting US forces encountering ISI in Iraq from 2007 onwards.

BROWSE nearly 3,000 documents published by WikiLeaks which mention the Islamic State of Iraq.

READ three US Congressional Research Report on the history of the US-backed “Sons of Iraq” Sunni militias, formed to oppose Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. The failure by the US-backed Shia government to integrate the Sunni militias into the Iraq army later led to many “Sons of Iraq” returning to the jihadi insurgency, swelling the ranks of modern-day ISIS. See here, here and here.

READ a 2009 cable on AQI/ISI in Mosul.

READ in a 2010 State Department cable how Syria’s head of intelligence Ali Mamlouk discussed with US diplomats the migration of foreign “takfiri” fighters, such as the Islamic State, into Syria from war-torn Iraq, and offered the US a military and intelligence partnership to address them. Declining, the US later lent support to jihadi groups as Syria’s “opposition” during the Syrian civil war.

READ a leaked 2010 STRATFOR email containing a private intelligence product documenting the transition of Islamic State leadership to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, after the killing of former-ISI leader, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in 2010.


4/12/15 00.45 about the Guardian newspaper



I understand the anger and frustration many people have voiced here – and I think that it would be worth posting an explanation of what has actually happened at The Guardian.

In 2013, The Guardian filed some of the worst financial accounts in the newspaper’s history. The publishers were clearly in deep financial trouble, and were forced to sell-off some of their assets, simply to avoid immediately bankruptcy. The financial outlook appeared very grim.

But ‘hope’ was around the corner… although it was a vile kind of ‘hope’ indeed.

The Guardian was (quietly) relaunched, positioning itself primarily in the USA and Australia – whilst aiming to retain as much as possiible from its former days as a left-wing newspaper in Britain. New and mysterious ‘backers’ appeared, who were now controlling the political content of the newspaper. Alan Rusbridger was quickly removed and thrown on the rubbish-heap – the usual nonsense about wanting to develop his career (in retirement?).

It was a very simple idea – “buy up the opposition to neoconservative American ideas – and neatralise it with a daily diet of pro-Pentagon, pro-Washington, shabby indoctrination”. Unwanted old left-wingers were quietly pushed aside. Ambitious Americans like Hadley Freeman were shoved forwards. New right-wing writers were hired, such as “Rafael Behr” (who he?). The screaming voices of the lunatic right, such as TImothy Garbage-Trash, suddenly become Leader Writers..

Let’s just explain what “neoconservative” actually means. It means following right-wing policies and ideas under the apparently acceptable cloak of being socialists, in order to secure public support for these extreme right-wing policies. Tony Blair is the perfect example… a man who found himself in perfect accord with George Bush – a god-bothering war-mongering racist fascist psychopath with the brain of a mollusc.

But it gets worse. The Guardian is now not really written by Guardian journalists any longer. Instead, coverage of all “sensitive” topics has been franchised out to American rightwing organisations. Now we get articles and editorial which have been “sponsored by the John D Rockefeller Foundation” (an extremist rightwing organisation), whose authorship and views chime perfectly with American hard-line exceptionalist Christian white right. Sometimes the sourcing is hidden more carefully… for example, the “Calvert Journal” – an American-funded pile of rightwing trash based in Calvert Street in London…. trailed as an “expert source” on Russia, but actually ghost-written in Washington. A few down-at-heel Russian emigres were hired as the ostensible “authors” of this crap. So now the Guardian’s Russia coverage is written by spooks in Washington under the guise of being written by “Russian opposition voices cowering from Putin in London”. I’ve met these filth – they are pathetic users who are happy to take Washington’s dollars to fund their empty-headed glamorous lifestyles in London. This comes under the heading of “New East”, headed by a new rightwing extremist at the Guardian called Maeve Sheerlaw… a cheap hack who has never been to Moscow in her life, yet was made an Overnight Expert to parrot the opinions of filth like Andrew McFaul, failed American Ambassador to Moscow.

Then there are all the articles ‘syndicated’ from the Moscow Times – another fake newspaper funded by American rightwingers in Washington, via a chain of anonymous holding companies in the Netherlands and Scandinavia. Don’t be fooled by that “Moscow Times” title – it was one they picked on purpose, to make it sound like a serious newspaper. In fact it’s staffed by a team of cheap American journalism students, and there are no Russians working there at all. A few Russian names appear as columnists… but – surprise! – they are all Russian runaways, living in Miami or Brighton Beach, and delighted to have Washington’s cash in exchange for some bitter hatred penned during a drunken lunch-hour.

In summary, then – The Guardian which readers remember from the 1980s and 1990s no longer exists at all. Its exterior appearance and readership has been bought for cash by American fascist organisations… but covertly, so that readers “believe” they are still reading The Guardian. Surprised? You shouldn’t be, because it’s how Tony Blair came to power in Britain – the most Tory leader Britain has ever had. And where are his ‘socialist’ allies? Peter Mandelson, a penniless journalist, is now Lord Mandelson, with a two-million pound house and a seat in the House of Lords. Socialism, my arse.

The Guardian is now more right-wing than the Daily Telegraph. It features articles from Timmy Garbage-Trash saying how Britain should go to war against Russia, to save those jolly, plucky, Right Sector genocidal fascists in Ukraine.

None of this has ever been mentioned in the Guardian itself, of course. You are all still clinging to this rabid pro-American sheet of garbage until the moment they actually write it on the front page. That day will never come. Yet you still think the Guardian is a ‘socialist’ newspaper.

Continue ReadingGoing Underground Special: John Pilger on Paris, ISIS and Media Propaganda