By order and by appointment 20 March 2022 will have a duration of 36 hours

Business as usual is not acceptable. We object. Capitalism is rejected.

later: 20 March 2022 Capitalism is rejected. Business as usual – the destruction of our planet – is no longer tolerated.

You will be working with people who have a totally opposed ideological perspective. Do it – it’s the same for them.


Capitalism, business as usual is not tolerated – hours 23 to 36.

and continuing …

Capitalism is not tolerated from hour 23

LOCKDOWN, TOTAL SHUTDOWN use traffic to stop traffic

For your children, to stop the destruction of our planet

10 March 2022: I will be participating of course. I can’t ask other people to do it and not do it myself. There may be some issue about arresting me if I am under an Investigatory Powers Act order so perhaps the police could look into that before 20 March?

[More on that: I am uncertain about it but here’s my reasoning. If I’m watched under an IPA order, evidence that turns up and possibly the fact that I’m under such an order cannot be put before a court. (Is that correct?) So, I would be denied a fair trial. If I’m denied a fair trial then I shouldn’t be arrested or detained.] more: and if that’s the case does it also apply to Assange? There might be some words that make it acceptable.

Bicycles, small motorcycles would seem to be ideal to use – because you can get around traffic.

later: I think that perhaps I’ve been emphasizing Capitalism in this post too much. On the other hand, Capitalism is the problem. Note to self: work this out

10 March 2022: Why is 20 March extended to 36 hours? 20 March is the equinox and also has good numbers. The trouble is that it’s a Sunday and there’s no point disrupting traffic on a Sunday. 21 March is not the equinox and doesn’t have good numbers. So I cheated ;) more: I could have gone into the position of the stars and all that. The trouble is there’s no time to do that (, I’m not that good at it) and we’re not able to delay until the stars are good. [11/3/22 More that the dates of 20 March express what I intend.]

11 March 2022: Feedback is welcomed. It is very unfortunate that presumably the UK government does not permit comments to this blog. On the other hand in this instance they have denied themselves feedback. Hoping that I’ll be able to discuss this Sunday afternoon / evening.

Successive government serially fail to address the climate crisis and must be forced to act. We have now come to realise that 1.5 degree increase is too much. The latest IPCC report has said that we must act now.

Extinction Rebellion are intending to shut down oil refineries starting 9 April and I wish them every success with that. We are sharing the same logic – that we are unwilling to tolerate, actually cannot allow business as usual because it’s killing the planet.

12 March 2022: I’ve had some feedback, it’s usually supportive. The trouble is that it has to be interpreted like reading tarot cards.

I had some encouraging feedback immediately following me posting Now Let’s Do the American Oligarchs.

Other feedback I interpreted as you will be arrested and it follows that I’ll probably get my own chance to write some prison notebooks. I’m not surprised that I will be arrested, I’m going to be doing criminal damage after all, going out equipped with the intention of doing criminal damage, the discussion of IPA was just wishful thinking and getting arrested is part of the intention.

I also interpreted this feedback as somewhat disparaging, suggesting that I’m a novice. I think that the response to that is that I have been appointed to office, I am by appointment, I never asked to be appointed to a high honourary office and was not even aware of it to start with. I have authority through that office and I am exercising that authority. [ed: not sure that I should regard it as honourary] [14/3/22 I want to stop adding to this post and leave it. I’m not sure if it’s appointed to office – could be more of an official acknowledgement and recognition. I’ve never really benefited from it – I’ve been shown respect by people (including cake thanks) and that’s it. I am otherwise by appointment to … and have been quoted by the highest office.]

I also interpreted this feedback as asking me to take down the sword. It could be straight from Priti. I don’t want any violence or bloodshed which the sword can mean. I do however intend to defend myself according to the law if I’m attacked. I am not XR.

Many people locally are aware who I am. Give me feedback even if it’s just a thumbs up or thumbs down. Nobody’s going to mind you giving them the thumbs up. If you give someone else a thumbs down they’ll just think you’re a nutter. Decide what you want to tell me and tell me.

What’s going to happen? It makes sense to consider different outcomes, to be prepared. Looking at different outcomes, however likely or unlikely.

I could be on my own, I would prefer someone to watch my back while I’m smashing traffic lights but we’ll see.

People can turn out in support to shut roads. I mean blocking roads with their presence. There’s no point doing that until 7 or 8am.

I could get arrested before doing anything. Fine.

This blog could get shut, it’s hard enough to find it anyway.

Shutting down one area could be copied and spread to other areas.

There could be negotiation. Please negotiate with XR, they are in a far better position than me to negotiate.

We could succeed but what then? The intention is to stop business as usual, to show that continuing destruction of the planet is no longer tolerated. Business as usual must stop and XR’s intention of shutting oil refineries is a good one, the ultra-rich to be hugely taxed to finance the green new deal, no more new coal, any spaceport strictly not to include space tourism, superyachts converted to housing, flying restrictions, bitcoin abolished.

Depending on the extent of success, go for a smooth transition, install a caretaker government, no second chamber, early elections (3 months?), proportional representation, voting age 14?, far more involvement in democracy, recall of politicians. It’s not really down to me is it?

14/3/22 What’s going to happen? continued

Whatever happens in this instance, Capitalism is going to fall over the destruction of our planet. If nothing else, parents are not going to tolerate our planet being destroyed for private and corporate profit. A tiny minority – the uber-rich are responsible for this, those that benefit most from the current Capitalist system, the ones that are in charge and direct governments.

Continue ReadingBy order and by appointment 20 March 2022 will have a duration of 36 hours

My current social landlord is crap summary

The place wasn’t inspected before I moved in. It wasn’t inspected because nobody was willing to put their name to it. Numerous issues.

I took one very serious issue to the Housing Ombudsman. The Housing Ombudsman is biased and prejudged, basically supports the social landlord that is paying them. Tried but failed to judicial review the Housing Ombudsman’s decision. Built up £4,000 in legal expenses and managed to get that waived ;) so the Ombudsman probably footed that bill ;)

Continue ReadingMy current social landlord is crap summary

BBC news abandoned and descended into soap opera bullshit

[8 March 2022: I’m very disappointed with this post and disappointed with myself for writing it. What you’ve got essentially is me moaning that the BBC has changed and I don’t like it.

20 and more years ago my analysis was far deeper [It’s almost as if I was deep then and now I’m just overwhelmed and dizzy but lazily accepting of that]. By contrast this is just siht. It is however worth pursuing: How do I understand this, what can I learn? I don’t understand the Nigel Lawsons, the Nigel Farages and the Steve Bakers of this world and instead resort to calling them idiots. If I learn how I was a similar idiot in this case, will it help me in understanding them?

I think that it may have something to do with humans’ relationship with technology. Us humans are designed and hardwired to live in caves, living off animals (including rodents) of varying sizes or eating fruit and vegetables when we’re lucky enough to stumble across it. Today’s World bristling with technology is a long way from that and we have problems with it.

We tend to personify technology when really it is just relatively stupid machanics that does a number of tasks reliably and extremely well. So our mobile phones work mostly perfectly for years [yes they do work for years if you give them the chance] and we become attached to them. We probably think Alex Bell is a great friend, I can rely rely on him. Then when Alex starts becoming unreliable it might be I thought you were my friend but you’re becoming unreliable, going to have to get rid of you and get a better friend, one I can rely on.

So with the BBC telly and radio output, we get used to it and start to think it’s our friend but get pissed off when it starts being an unreliable friend… This is starting to make sense isn’t it?

Going to think about this some more and come back to it.]

[8/3/22 Looks like we are descended from the !San hunter and gathering bushmen of the Kalahari desert. I need to suggest what a friend was to the bushmen.

I like it when my family shares cave and hunting with Bigwulfslayer Frank’s family. We always seem to have successful hunts and my children and his children enjoy each others’ company. My girls seem to knock out good healthy bushmen from his sons’ line and my sons enjoy his daughters. Bigwulfslayer Frank is a friend.

So that’s some idea of what friendship is early in our history. The bushmen needed genetic diversity and got it, joining up for a bigger hunting pack paid dividends, etc. Today we think of tech as our friends and personify cars, puters, phones, etc. So that is a problem.

later: Oops, made a mistake there assuming a patriarchal society. Should have read up on the San first.]

[10 March 2022: I suggested that this might help understand the Nigel Lawsons, the Nigel Farages and the Steve Bakers of this world. It hasn’t really so I had better explain how they and Tony Blair are idiots. Unfortunately this explanation doesn’t hold true for Steve ‘number two’ Baker because he didn’t attend public school. We need a different explanation for him – perhaps he’s just a whore to money, perhaps he’s woofing mad.

Public school actually refers to fee-paying private school so it’s only the rich that attend. As well as the educational qualification achieved mostly through examinations, there is a different aspect taught and learned at all schools. This extra aspect of education has probably got many names but I’ll call it the hidden curriculum.

Public school is all about teaching the rich to rule, to be the cnuts they are. So it instills the ideas that class stratification is the natural order of things, that the rich should rule, that the rich are better than us common plebs, that us common plebs are stupid, dirty and uncouth, that sort of thing. So public school is what enabled the ruling class to be such cnuts that they do massacres and that sort of thing – perhaps more in the age of the traditional British empire than today.

One aspect of the hidden curriculum taught at pubic school is to trust your instincts – to believe things without any supporting evidence and even when the evidence conflicts with those beliefs. So you have Nigel Lawson, Nigel Farage and other climate crisis sceptics dismissing the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change and the fact that we have to act now to save our planet. We also have Tony Blair believing that murdering millions in Iraq was the right thing to do. Tony Blair is actually also totally insane.

[11/3/22 Written before the Iraq war 2003


I respect all religions
And belief-systems worldwide

I have no time
for those b******s

That claim to be Christians
That claim Divine guidance
On the Highway to Hell



10/3/22 later

At the risk of repeating myself. The purpose of public school is to instill and reproduce the sense of entitlement in the privileged scum that attend public schools. You need to have the established belief that you are superior to treat people like siht, you need to have the belief that you are superior to kill the planet, engage in massacres, rape, be a paedo, etc. You need that sense of the infallibility of your base instincts to rationalise (justify to yourself) being a cnut, paedo, etc]

[15/3/22 Nigel Farage is a whore to money, a little gobshite to bigger, richer shites].

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine BBC news has flipped into absolute soap opera bullshit. BBC radio and television exclusively transmits Ukrainian soap opera ignoring all and any other news. In a time when independent news sources are censored by the UK state I am not interested in the opinions of 8-year old Ukranian girls escaping Ukraine. Seriously, this is a real example of the absoulute bullshit BBC news is serving. [7/3/22 I should make clear that it’s not news. It’s usually people recounting their experiences – ideal for propagating propaganda / lies of course – and usually people with no specialised knowledge. It seems like wasting time with BS and anything outside Ukraine is not worthy according to BBC.]

What about an analysis of the West imposing a fekking clown as Ukrainian president? The real Fascism in Ukraine e.g. Fascist special forces committing war crimes, black people prevented from leaving?

WTF is that about?

Continue ReadingBBC news abandoned and descended into soap opera bullshit


Looks like I should start campaigning against Keir Vissarionovich Starmer and his Stalinist Blue Labour party. Looks like the best election result I could hope for would be a hung parliament so that the smaller parties with green policies will have power.

6/3/22 Since the election of Keir Starmer as the leader of the Labour Party – and arguably before but definitely since – the Labour Party is not a democratic party having abandoned party rules, principles and policies to the benefit of the right-wing of the party.

If you vote Labour, then you are voting for dictatorship.

6/3/22 20.27

7/3/22 1.25am Went to a Wetherspoons pub tonight. No nuts, dark rum or brandy, that’s pretty crap Tim.

Your wi-fi was crap too. I had taken a new device but prompted and expected to login over http, not https. I recognised that it was crap and unwilling to take such a dangerous step because I know what it means. Being a pub, it’s probably worse not having any nuts, dark rum or brandy. It’s not really a pub then, is it?

[11/3/22: Was there again last night Tim. The forty-niner is off. It’s got that nasty sweet taste where fruit flies have got in or the lines have never been cleaned. It looks the wrong colour too, clear but like a strong orange tint. I shouldn’t need to tell you this really, you should make sure that it’s good. Shame I can’t afford a real pub.]

Back to Keith being crap

Oh, sorry been to the pub, forgot about making the postscripts blue. That’s magick that is ;) Shall I make it really skimple? “with love”. I can do that because I’m a magickian ;)

Back to Keith Stalin. The Skwawkbox is probably the best source that documents Keith’s Stalinism. As I said earlier, if you vote Labout you’re voting for dictatorship.

Cor, I had a wierd week. A local bully set his dog on me Tuesday in the park and we were fighting. I was ill with an upper respiratory tract infection (like a cold but actually a swollen neck causing cold symptoms) and NHS 111 were really crap, should be 5417 or 7175 or something instead. I’ve got it recorded thi scunt trying to rebuke me for not registering with a GP. The point is that I had registered and deregistered because GPs are cnuts. I am not registered with a GP practice because they are abusive shits.

Then on Friday a cabbie smacked mirrors with me and tried to claim that I had damaged his car so the mirrors didn’t tuck in any more. Did my mirror smack his mirror or his mirror smack my mirror? If his mirrors don’t tuck in any more, why does the left one not tuck in? Is his car just an old car like Blair’s one with the knackered gearbox?

Yes, I know Keith Stalin Fascist Shit. I haven’t smoked for five days.

2.37 Why you waiting for me? It’s all at skwawkbox.


03.45 Goodmorning

FBU demands ‘national recall conference’ over ‘escalating crisis’ of free speech and democracy in Starmer’s Labour

Starmer’s war on the left escalates still further as officers of at least SIX more CLPs suspend[ed]

Continue ReadingHmm

IPCC report calls for urgent action on climate

In summer, some polar bears do not make the transition from their winter residence on the Svalbard islands to the dense drift ice and pack ice of the high arctic where they would find a plethora of prey. This is due to global climate change which causes the ice around the islands to melt much earlier than previously. The bears need to adapt from their proper food to a diet of detritus, small animals, bird eggs and carcasses of marine animals. Very often they suffer starvation and are doomed to die. The number of these starving animals is sadly increasing.AWeith This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

The most recent IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UN body) report published today tells us that some impacts of climate change are now irreversible.

[A] liveable future remains within grasp – just. But the window of opportunity for action is “brief and rapidly closing”. The response from UN secretary-general António Guterres was stark: “Delay is death.”

The IPCC report says that we must act now while world governments continue to pursue climate destroying policies. The point is this: We tolerate and suffer these governments and their super-rich masters that they pander to but we don’t have to. We can instead obstruct business as usual, refuse to tolerate and suffer these climate-destroying bastards. We need to act in unity putting away any other differences we might have. Our planet is getting killed, we must act for the sake of our children, young people and future generations. Delay is death.

Instead of responsible government Boris Johnson’s UK government is pursuing climate-harming policies and has stuffed his cabinet with climate-denying ministers. UK Tory MPs are campaigning against climate policies through the Net Zero Scrutiny Group. Legitimate government should be concerned with protecting it’s citizens while Boris Johnson’s UK government is doing the opposite.

IPCC issues ‘bleakest warning yet’ on impacts of climate breakdown

Rupert Murdoch doesn’t understand climate change basics, and that’s a problem

Climate change causing widespread and irreversible impacts, says IPCC

Constituents set up ‘Steve Baker Watch’ over MP’s climate stance

Continue ReadingIPCC report calls for urgent action on climate