Militant vegetarian Ibizzans Futuro Vegetal attack conspicuous consumption

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The Ibizzan group Futuro Vegetal attacks the filthy rich’s conspicuous planet-killing consumption.

In a report published in September 2020, the Stockholm Environment Institute estimated that the richest 10% of people, globally, contributed to roughly 50% of worldwide carbon emissions in the years 1995 and 2015 — the timeframe in which the institute conducted its study. By comparison, the poorest 50% were responsible for 7% or 8% of emissions. 

Citing portions of that study in its own report on greenhouse gases and climate change, the International Energy Agency noted that the world’s richest 0.1% contribute more to global carbon emissions each year than the rest of the wealthiest 10% combined, with the richest 1% polluting roughly 1,000 times more than the poorest 1%. Another report by Oxfam last November suggested that just 125 of the world’s wealthiest billionaires emit 3 million tons of carbon dioxide per person, on average, each year, which is about a million times higher than the average annual emissions of the bottom 90%.

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