Trump praises Rishi Sunak for his net zero U-turn

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While Rishi Sunak’s decision to U-turn on net zero policies drew criticism from within his own party as well as opposition MPs and environmental activists, his plans have received the endorsement of disgraced former US President Donald Trump.

Trump praised Sunak for being ‘smart’ in taking on ‘climate alarmists’.

Writing on his own social media platform Truth Social, he said: “Prime minister Sunak of the United Kingdom has very substantially rolled back the ridiculous “Climate Mandates” that the United States is pushing on everyone, especially itself.

“I always knew Sunak was smart, that he wasn’t going to destroy and bankrupt his nation for fake climate alarmists that don’t have a clue.”

He added: “Congratulations to Prime Minister Sunak for recognising this SCAM before it was too late!”

Congratulations to Sunak from the very stable genius …

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