mini skirts are terrible … Be really Afraid! They are undermining our society!
Mini skirts are terrible
Be really afraid of mini skirts. Oh sorry, you were
edit: Sorry, I’m should do this better:
It’s either a few people, or Tony Blair and his missus cos they had the address – as though that was a secret -(it’s just off Regent Street, people have tried to install Saint Tony glass there – you’ll know where it is – there are armed police outside)
or a Mumbai-like massacre. Well that’s almost everything, isn’t it?
It could be either
Well, c’mon you don’t have much clue then for this terrrism trial held in private
It suggests that there is nothing
Is is Blair & co OR a Mumbai massacre?
or nonsense?
it could be a dustbin or 911.
Be afraid, no don’t be afraid.
Please appreciate that what you’re being told by politicians & corporate media is intended to scare you so that you conform.
DRAFT: I’m just starting to get a grasp on this ISIS BS – and strangely enough it’s about oil
I’m just starting to get a grasp of this ISIS BS. I wonder if any newspapers will be publishing this story with me tomorrow.
Kurdistan has control over its natural resources according to the constitution of the federal Iraq.
Kurdistan sold its oil in Texas independently of the central Iraqi government despite legal action by the central government to prevent that sale.
Basra in the south of Iraq is the region responsible for the vast majority of Iraq’s oil production – about 75% – together with huge oil and gas reserves.
Basra has also been attempting to assert its control over it’s oil resources in federal Iraq.
This Independent article raises objections to UK government claims that military intervention is legal since it is requested by the Iraqi government. It should also be appreciated that the Kurdish Regional Government has legitimate control of Kurdish oil.
This is a DRAFT and I will publish a fuller article
21.25 Still working on this. The least UK MPs can do if they’re going to vote on military intervention tomorrow is to try to comprehend the wider context and legal issues.
Coming soon :: Comment on the penumbra
26/7/14 DRAFT subject to many revisions
OK, this is taking longer than expected.
It seems very sensible that those intending to influence government are not terrrists
that is the [ed: very] basis of representative democracy i.e. that elected representatives represent their electors. You cannot be a terrrist on the basis of intending to influence government because that is exactly what active citizens do and are expected to do. That is recognised as completely legitimate action.
penumbra is used as a legal term.
UK definition of terrorism ‘could catch political journalists and bloggers’
Tony Blair, Terrorist
Tony Blair Inc is doing fantastically well – being a conzultant to all the most repressive anti-democratic regimes that there are.
In 1997 Blair was elected with 418 MPs – which I find (edit: so) weird and makes me wonder if all so-called Western democracy is so corrupt.
9/11 He was awfully ‘lucky’ (lucky lucky – we know a song about that;)
He should be so lucky, lucky, lucky
Was it more than luck?
That the Blair was there at that opportune moment …
To stand shoulder to shoulder, to be there at that time … in front of the cameras … so all the rest of the world … could take a lead from …
He was due to address the TUC congress, the organisation that represents UK unions and therefore the UK working class that Bliar as leader of the ‘Socilaist’ working-class was supposed to represent …
but …
all of sudden …
Bliar couldn’t address the TUC congress because there was an international crisis
That was ****ing lucky for Him cos they wanted his head on a spike for shi**ing on the unions and the working-class.
That was awfully lucky for Him
or was it …
arranged that way?
Blair on 9/11
Was it so fortunate that Bliar had a stage to abandon on 11 September, 2001? That he was the first World leader to frame the international response to 911? Was that fortunate or something else?
He was due to address the TUC. Television stations were there to transmit his speech. The World caught it. This is why Bliar is so successful. He is a terrorist.
He said
“This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today. It is perpetrated by fanatics who are utterly indifferent to the sanctity of human life and we, the democracies of this world, are going to have to come together to fight it together and eradicate this evil completely from our world.”
By being the first to respond, He framed and constrained the response.
I can’t find the cnut addressing the TUC on 9/11. Can anyone find that? It should be available.
OK, I’ll continue with alleged UK/Blair complicity in 9/11
Don’t you think it’s weird that this lying cnut promoted it so much?
ed: The point I was trying to make – which I have probably failed to make so far – is that Tony Blair was made and has enriched Himself fantastically through His response to 911 and since. TBC. and that’s all
ed: that He’s a terrorist because that’s all that there is about him
… everything was in place for Blair to seize the moment; the planned live coverage of the speech meant that with a little advance warning other news networks around the world could easily link up to Brighton. Official reaction was sparse as governments scrambled to interpret what was going but the word went out that Blair was about to give Britain’s first response.
However tragic the circumstances Blair’s director of communications Alastair Campbell needed no guidance on how to respond: his task was to ensure that Blair’s authority was enhanced. The prepared text was abandoned and the Prime Minister’s instant attempt to address the challenges facing democratic nations could hardly be bettered:
“This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today. It is perpetrated by fanatics who are utterly indifferent to the sanctity of human life and we, the democracies of the world, are going to have to come together to fight it together and eradicate this evil completely from our world.”
Later that evening on his return to Downing Street, Blair spoke again to reporters and reinforced his call for solidarity with the United Sates, a soundbite which was replayed time and again on American news channels:
“This is not a battle between the United States of America and terrorism, but between the free and democratic world and terrorism. We therefore here in Britain stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends in this hour of tragedy. We, like them, will not rest until this evil is driven from our world.”
Right on cue images were supplied to illustrate the standing “shoulder to shoulder” soundbite. Next morning the pictures reinforced the message as the band of the Coldstream Guards performed the American national anthem the Star-Spangled Banner outside Buckingham Palace during the Changing of the Guard.
Campbell’s orchestration was a masterful demonstration of Blair’s understanding of the demands of the electronic news media and it is little wonder that their ability to exploit a global television audience became the envy of many other governments around the world. End Nicholas Jones 5.9.2011
“People’s Princess” (you know)
3.55 I have been trying to develop the theme that there is nothing more to Bliar than terrorism.
Terrorism made Blair.
Blair was there straight away, If it wasn’t for terrorism …
4.30 Time for a full stop?
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