Message from the new head of GCHQ. Be afraid and embrace the new bullshitism
So the new head of GCHQ says tech
Oh this is all so much bolox
The new Head of GCHQ is in charge of ~ of how does this work? ~ we’re not criminals listening to absolutely all communications into and out of the UK. We can’t be criminals invading the privacy of all you criminal bastards – WE’VE GOT IT ALL. Oh and that criminal Angela Merkel.
Look you’re all criminals, we’re listening to all of it so we can scare you senseless to do as you’re told. Aren’t you afraid of terrrists. I’ll see what I can do.
[ed: These tech companies are bastards too. They’re not playing the game. Why aren’t they totally afraid of these imaginary terrrists too? They’re not playing the game. They’re not playing the be afraid of terrrists game. Bo Woo Woo Woo Hu!
These tech companies who have techies and intelligent people are not playing the game. Oh dear, I wonder why that is. Not.
Praps they realise that it’s all bullshit by Neo-Con scum. I would at least appreciate them that much. You know, they’re not stupid or not as stupid as you presume.
I’m not that clever but I’m not that stupid.
The new GCHQ boss. Is that the best you could do?
I’d better address that bullshit that the new GCHQ boss is spouting. It’s just that there was much crap that he’s overwhelmed me. So much total nonsense coming from the new twat in charge of GCHQ. So much shit.
There’s so much shit you’ll have to give me a day or two. I’ve got to swim through it and reach for air.
ed: It seems quite easy really. GCHQ boss says you have no right to privacy cos he’s got to chase terrrists. Terrrists are imaginary to make you afraid and accept repression. GCHQ boss watches you skudding.
How long till they insist on watching? No, it’s OK they probably got it bugged anyway in this ‘free’ society. They are only protecting your ‘freedom’ after all.
Do be terribly afraid of terrrists. Don’t be afraid of dying when you cross the road which is far more likely.
The main point about about this new GCHQ boss is that he’s pushing the discredited bullshit terrrism agenda. Oh FO. The USians may have swallowed that. The rest of the world didn’t or at least they don’t now.
FO GCHQ boss YFOS(hit).
Some tech company is gonna employ me as head of tech-terrrism relations soon. I can do that. Gizza, gizza, I can do that.
The dominant belief system is depending on imaginary terrrists. Fear. It’s nonsense and it has been demonstrated repeatedly that these b’stards engage in false flag operations to manufacture that fake fear.
It is very likely that tech companies are fully aware of your BS. Tech companies are not required or expected to follow your false prospectus.
Your false prospectus of imaginary terrrists scring the hebbegebbe out of us. That’s Bolux and I would expect that that is accepted in not only tech companies. I would expect that that is accepted in all big companies – that that is total BS.
People believing in that ridiculous BS is diminishing quickly …
later: Why should tech companies comply with the BS nonsense of terrrism?
Why should tech companies allow political BS method of control – in this paticular instance, the imaginary threat of terrrism – exploit and disempower people? Should they? Why should they?
Politicians and GCHQ do the fear. Tech companies do the tech.
Looka like this new GCHQ boss gonna scare you senseless. There’s a Woolaf!
Be afraid. Be afraid. GCHQ boss says BE AFRAID!