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There had to be 52 victims so they could call Jean Charles de Menezes the 53rd victim …

You know that Jean Charles de Menezes was special.

It was his name and that he was Brizzlian.

He was killed as 53.

The jumping and heavy jacket too warm for the weather all points to somone else …

Ian Blair is making commentary for years regarding that other person …


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I’ve had it all my life …

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It may not have been all my life

but it certainly feels like all my life


I have been watched by

the police or plus+ police

That’s the truth

… Since I was a kid of 10 or so

I have been continuously watched by police+

… If I was in another totalitarian state

hopefully, they would be less efficient / capable


To be honest, they were very crap years (20-30) ago

but why, it’s just an absolute, total waste of everything

It used to be much easier to see them ~ because they were there or the landline telephone would play up.

This bullshit about being a suspected terrorist – apart from the Mossad murder of Jean Charles de Menezes – …

Well, back then I was unfound on the Police National Computer – I didn’t come up and any copper that searched for me had a visit

I was unsearchable despite having a (minor) criminal record. I was unsearchable under Blair ~ why do you think that is? (think God)

How on Earth can coppers not find me on PNC? It must be because I was removed, and therefore special.

I think that I am special :)

But the point is HTF do I have get a special PNC status?

To be unsearchable … and a special visit – why are you searching him? almost said Him

cos that’s obviously special

like an outlaw

I admit that I am very prejudged about people in UK that wear cowboy hats despite them usually being very short and having a horse deficit

C’mon I know how I get that special status – is because another claims it. Is obvious no?

Oh, they’d have to be able to change PNC …

They’d have to be quite something or other



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