Take a look at these

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The Tardis by Disent http://disent.deviantart.com/art/The-Tardis-30529477

The previous On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing blog is due for deletion on 31st May. Mirror before then if you’re interested.

Here are some articles from December 2008 which were reposted after the blog was mysteriously deleted in early December 2008. I’ve not abandoned this line of research and understand far more about it now. Comments are moderated to stop spam but you’re welcome to disagree.

Esoteric Knowledge #3 Jean Charles de Menezes

Dr. Who?

Richmal Marie Oates-Whiteheadt

Blair’s government and Metropolitan Police policy dictated by the Jerusalem Post

Danger of dust explosions on the London Underground

[17/9/12 Links edited from pointing at the previous On a quiet day I can hear her breathing blog.]


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